Some Serious Dope.....
a: Federal reserve ~
b: drug addict
What: "It's sort of like a drug. You get some benefits if you keep using it-you know, run up debt, run up inflation, monetize the debt, make a bigger bubble," he explained. "Just like a drug addiction, the drug addict feels better when he keeps getting drugs."
Writer: Ron Paul
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:10 PM
Not Very Noticable Until Someone Dies....
a: Federal reserve ~
b: carbon monoxide
What: "This is why I call the Federal Reserve the "silent" killer of millions of people all over the world. It's the great enabler of vice and moral hazard. The next time a drone strike takes out a wedding party in Afghanistan, you'll know that the extra .03 cents per gallon you'll pay for milk in a few weeks helped pay for it."
Writer: Southern Bread
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:14 PM
The Long Con......
a: Federal reserve ~
b: con artist
What: "The Federal Reserve is like a con artist that is desperately trying to stay one step ahead of everyone else. The folks at the Fed know that the debt that the U.S. government has accumulated is not sustainable and will eventually collapse."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:17 PM
Down Down And Down??
a: Federal reserve ~
b: captain on a bobsleigh
What: "To use a different metaphor, the Federal Reserve is like the team captain on a bobsleigh, he or she can turn the sleigh left or right a bit or put on and release the brakes, but he or she cannot make the sleigh go uphill."
Writer: daviddelosangeles
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:31 PM
Who Owns The Money....
a: Federal reserve ~
b: a big Mafia loan shark
What: "The real answer to this question is that the Federal Reserve is like a big Mafia loan shark. It owns our nation in the same way a loan shark owns his "clients!" There is absolutely no difference between the two."
Writer: cactus1010
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:33 PM
The Bankers Banker
a: Federal reserve ~
b: our countries bank
What: "The federal reserve is like our countrys bank. Their job is that they keep inflation down without causing recession to go up more. They also protect the customers."
Writer: angela5716
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:35 PM
Time To Lateral The Balll.....
a: Federal reserve ~
b: a runner with a big gain
What: "U.S. footbal analogy is this: the Federal Reserve is like a runner who has picked up a lot of yards, but now wants to lateral the ball to another runner. The question is whether that second runner is available and what he will do with the ball."
Writer: Neal Lipschutz
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:38 PM
Murky Watery Economic Metaphors
a: Federal reserve ~
b: the moon
What: "The Fed "has helped raise the tide" he told Dow Jones Newswires reporter Michael Derby today in a video interview broadcast via But a lot of U.S. employers' boats' "are still tied to the dock or they've sailed to foreign ports," where the regulatory climate is presumed to be more favorable."
Writer: Richard Fisher
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:40 PM
The 4rth Piece Of The Pie.....
a: Federal reserve ~
b: fourth branch of governemnt
What: "In many ways, the federal reserve is like fourth branch of government because it's composed of national policy markers. However, in practice, the Fed does not stray from the financial policies of the established by the executive branch."
Writer: Pamela Sharpe, Ph.D.
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:45 PM
Money Goes Round And Round And...
a: Federal reserve ~
b: a private bank
What: "The Federal Reserve is like a private bank that creates money out of nothing and gives it to those in power, Witterschein said."
Writer: Robert Witterschein
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:46 PM
Bad Food It Is Like?
a: Federal reserve ~
b: Grape Nuts
What: "Wrong. The Federal Reserve is like Grape Nuts. Grape Nuts are not grapes, and they are not nuts. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal, nor a Reserve. It is a privately held bank. In 1913, via the Federal Reserve Act, we turned control of our money supply over to the Federal Reserve. In exchange, we got to appoint the Chairman of this Privately-held Bank's board. ( who can be out-voted by the rest of the board)."
Writer: rabscuttle385
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:49 PM
The Monetary Circulatory System....
a: Federal reserve ~
b: bone marrow
What: "Think of money in an economy as you would blood-cells in a body. The Federal-Reserve is like the bone marrow. The bone-marrow makes the red-blood-cells for your body to stay oxygenated. While it produces fresh RBCs every 120 days there are enzymes released to destroy the aged RBCs. The Federal Reserve works in pretty much the same way." The comparison between the human body and the financial system is pretty tight, as far as I can see.
Writer: Volitzer
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:52 PM
Or Mr. Jackson's Doctor......
a: Federal reserve ~
b: Elvis Presley's doctor
What: "Since longer than anyone can remember there has been a blind belief that the Federal Reserve is like Elvis Presley's doctor, who can "make things better" by just injecting one more shot of the drug that used to work so well, in the "happy days". Now the shots don't works so well and the patient/economy is stumbling along, weakly as best.
Writer: EconMatters
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:55 PM
Fed Like Nuklear Power Plant.....
a: Federal reserve ~
b: a nuclear power plant
What: "The Federal Reserve is like a nuclear power plant. It is very powerful, and when it starts making headlines, you can be sure that we are in deep trouble. Unfortunately, under Ben Bernanke, the Fed has become the economic equivalent of Chernobyl."
Writer: Louis Woodhill
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:58 PM
a: federal reserve ~
b: pre-historic medicine men
"That ONE person, like Yellen, Bernanke, Greenspan, can cause billions of wealth to be lost or gained at a moment of their utterances is totally idiotic and burdensome to the economy. No one has noticed that this is somewhat like Russia in 1917 when they revamped their economy onto the theoretical basis of ONE person and fumbled along for some 75 years. Beyond that the Dow Theory is also resembling somewhat the theory of Karl Marx, if one knows comparative economic history well enough. To skip a few steps in the analysis, the only solution is to decentralize Wall Street and close the revolving door to Congress, senior adm. officials, the Fed and CEOs on Wall Street.
Hey, reformulated another way, Yellen and Bernanke, etc. are our equivalents of pre-historic medicine men and/or chieftains whose utterances moved clans and tribes. So there, this mini-lecture comes to you tuition free to counteract our growing student debt, which is another one of our self-caused economic disasters."
Writer: Jay, A Yahoo writer
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jun 19 2014 2:39 PM