Internet Commerce
a: Facebook ~
b: Starbucks
What: "Facebook is like a Starbucks where everyone hangs out for hours but almost never buys anything."
Writer: Chris Dixon
Date: Apr 11 2010 8:08 AM
Facebook As Colonial
a: Facebook ~
b: colonial
What: "I can't help but reflect that Facebook policy is rather like colonial policy. We're traditional owners of our information, they just get to keep all the rights and sell it as they want."
Writer: daniel lende
Date: Feb 3 2012 7:56 PM
Facebook As Ponzi Scheme
a: Facebook ~
b: a Ponzi Scheme
What: "People go to Facebook to interact with their friends. It is fundamentally different from the ad platform that is Google. People go to Google to find something they need, possibly ready to buy, which a good percentage of the time can in fact be solved by someone's ad."
Writer: Joseph Perla
Date: Feb 6 2012 5:39 PM
Facebook Is Like Little House On The Prairie
a: Facebook ~
b: Little House On the Prairie
What: "There was always some sort of drama occurring on Little House. Someone might get lost, the crops might not come in and then, of course, there was Mary going blind. If you need a little drama in your life today, facebook is full of it, especially if you have any teenage girls as facebook friends
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Feb 6 2012 5:42 PM
Facebook As Being Stuck Next To A Freak
a: Facebook ~
b: being stuck next to a freak on a plane
What: "If Facebook is the dude with questionable hygiene who sits next to you on the plane and is voted most likely to end up in the newspaper in a story ending "...and then turned the gun on himself."
Writer: James Rhodes
Date: Feb 6 2012 5:46 PM
Some Resaons Facebook Is Like Bob Dylan
a: Facebook ~
b: Bob Dylan
What: Reason # 4. There are 6 of them. "Facebook is a game-changer. Like him or not, Bob Dylan's music has influenced thousands of musicians - The Beatles most notably (their music took a more insightful, creative turn after meeting Dylan in 1964). His music changed not just folk music, but popular music."
Writer: Christine Geraci
Date: Feb 6 2012 5:49 PM
a: Facebook ~
b: a tattoo
What: "Facebook is like a tattoo. Make it trashy and it will keep you from getting jobs in the future. Keep it classy and it will be something you have your whole life."
Writer: Emily Wolfram:
Date: Feb 6 2012 5:52 PM
Face Book As 3rd Grade Girl Thing
a: Facebook ~
b: passing notes in 3rd grade
What: The source of this quote is not clear. But it is funny.
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 6 2012 5:53 PM
Facebook As Ford Motors In The 20s
a: Facebook ~
b: Ford Motors In The 1920s
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 6 2012 5:55 PM
a: Facebook ~
b: Ikea
What: "But a defining idea behind Wikipedia, Facebook, and blogging platforms such as WordPress is that if you give people the right tools, they'll use them to create wonderful things in collaboration with each other or with the organization that provides the catalyst." I hope Facebook has better quality furniture than IKEA.
Writer: Tim Harford
Date: Feb 6 2012 6:01 PM
Facebook As Halloween Party?
a: Facebook ~
b: a slanderous Halloween Party
What: "Get a Facebook page.
But use em' like you'd mingle at a Halloween party:You introduce yourself.
You smile and you're friendly.
But everyone is disguised behind a mask so you always gotta be on your toes." An account how you have to be careful about marketing on Facebook.
Writer: Wes Murph
Date: Feb 6 2012 6:06 PM
Facebook As Old Network
a: Facebook ~
b: Compuserve
What: "The more i have to deal with Facebook the more it reminds me on CompuServe decades ago. Getting a bloody welcome page up for non Fans is takes already ages. Especially when I get this trying to create an app for iFrames:"
Writer: Manfred "Luigi" Lugm
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 6 2012 6:08 PM
The Rotary Club
a: Facebook ~
b: Your Rotary Club
What: "You want to connect with other people in your community. This isn't about advertising, it's about connection. There are people who will love your business and what you do because of common interests and values. Rotary helps you locate those people in your community." The article has a list of reasons of why these 2 groups are similar. A very pointed and logical article.
Writer: Joanne Steele
Date: Feb 6 2012 6:13 PM
Orwellian Grouping Stuff
a: Facebook ~
b: 1984
What: "Facebook is like 1984, only you have a social media site watching your every move scares the hell out me. A big part of their revenue model is selling info, private and otherwise.. personal will soon be a bad word"
Writer: Dan
Date: Feb 6 2012 6:19 PM
Hotel Facebook
a: Facebook ~
b: an Eagles Song
What: "It was then that I made the interesting discovery that you can't actually leave Facebook once you have joined. Like the Hotel California, it is a place that you check out of but you can never leave."
Writer: Andrew Brown
Date: Feb 6 2012 6:24 PM
Facebook As Smoke Monster
a: Facebook ~
b: LOST's Smoke Monster
What: "For all the outrage and negative press...what exactly were people expecting? Oh God, a multimillion-dollar company told us one thing and then changed its policy and is now doing another thing! Shocker. It's like how Ben Linus thought he had control over the Smoke Monster. Really? That's somehow revelatory? That an invulnerable, immortal, giant-ass column of smoke that pops out of the jungle and eats people couldn't be trusted or controlled?"
Writer: paulbalcerak
Date: Feb 6 2012 6:29 PM
Digital Scrapbook
a: Facebook ~
b: our digital scrapbook
What: "For many of us Facebook is like our digital scrapbook where we can manage all our information to share with our friends, family or keep private to ourselves."
Writer: Chris Groves
Date: Feb 6 2012 6:31 PM
Facebook As Auto-tune
a: Facebook ~
b: auto-tune
What: "Which is to say, Facebook is like auto-tune. It's like Starbucks. It's like the Honda Civic. It's like the thing no one really loves at any substantial depth, but millions are addicted to and don't really know why."
Writer: Mark Morford
Date: Jun 13 2012 9:17 AM
a: Facebook ~
b: driving down a street lined with billboards
I look at my Facebook feed every day or so. I'm hesitant to put anything up. The idea of posting something that will be monetized is annoying. Within the last 6 months there is a radical increase in the amount of ads inserted into the stream. It's endless. It like driving down a long street that is lined with billboards on either side for miles on end. The ads interfere with the content. They will soon swamp out the content.
Writer: Lucrezia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 7 2014 6:39 PM
a: Facebook ~
b: virtual high school for adults
Indeed. But you know what? Who or what adult really wants High School, real or virtual. It's something that is past and should probably stay in the past.
Writer: Lucrezia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 8 2015 1:36 PM
a: Facebook ~
b: blue meth
It's very addictive and much of the time of little value, at least on my feed.
Writer: Lucrezia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 31 2015 3:57 PM
a: Facebook ~
b: Walmart of social media
"Facebook is ubiquitous, but has a reputation for low-quality content. It's become the Walmart of social media."
Writer: RoninK
Date: Aug 9 2015 3:38 PM
a: Facebook ~
b: a private road
"See Facebook is not quite like a public road that everybody can drive on, it's a private road that they give you permission to drive on. The problem is that they like to have this public image that they are more like the former than the latter. "
Date: Jan 28 2016 4:48 PM
a: Facebook ~
b: Times Square
And you are there with 50,000 of your closest friends and family and everyone else in the world, and there are sensors and cameras and people that monitor and record your EVERY comment, photograph, and movement.
Writer: Lucretia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 19 2016 4:58 PM
a: Facebook ~
b: Coca-Cola
"Think of it this way. Every media outlet has its own culture and voice. If The New York Times is urban liberal, Fox News is conservative, and Playboy is racy, you could say Facebook aspires to be nice - a global brand that's as easy to swallow as Coca-Cola. (In this provocative talk at Harvard's Shorenstein Center, law professor and author Jeffrey Rosen says Facebook favors "civility" over "liberty.")"
Date: Nov 17 2016 1:22 PM
a: Facebook ~
b: greatest hits
"Isn't this one of the primary negatives about Facebook? People don't realize that they are looking at the "greatest hits" of other people's lives."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 1 2018 11:06 AM
a: Facebook ~
b: curated self-image machine
(And I realize the irony of posting this comment on Reddit, but the difference is that Reddit is a glorified anonymous forum, and Facebook is a curated self-image machine that defines everyone's (mis)understanding of their friends' and family's lives.)
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Dec 19 2018 11:54 AM
a: My Facebook Feed ~
b: Potemkin Village
Writer: Lucrezia
Date: Jul 30 2015 5:46 PM
Facebook As Acura
a: Facebook ipo price ~
b: Buying a used Acura for $100,000
What: Facebook is a really good idea and nice website, if you like that sort of thing. But, it is way overvalued, as everyone now knows. It is like an overpriced Acura. Acuras are great cars, some of the best. Even the used ones retain there value better than many cars But you would never pay $100,000 for a 5 year old Acura. It's just not worth that. Facebook at $38/share, is just not worth that price.
Writer: LucreetiaMia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 30 2012 7:47 PM
Questionable Popularity
a: Facebook popularity ~
b: dubious popularity
What: "Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the cool table in the cafeteria at a mental hospital."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 6 2012 6:16 PM