

a: eyeball ~
b: a simple camera


A human eyeball is like a simple camera!
Sclera: outer walls, hard, like a light-tight box.
Cornea and crystalline lens (eyelens): the two lens system.
Retina: at the back of eyeball, like the film.
Iris: like diaphragms or stop in a camera.
Pupil: camera aperture.
Eyelid: lens cover.

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Mar 4 2015 3:15 PM

a: eyeball ~
b: a basketball or a tire


"The eyeball is like a basketball or a tire, and in this way it has a pressure. Fluid (called aqueous humor) is made inside the back portion of the eye called the "ciliary body". This fluid is created inside the eye, and nourishes the eye. It slowly travels from the back part of the eye to the front of the eye to an area called "the angle" or "trabecular meshwork", where it then exits the eye."

Writer: Dr. Alan L. Robin
Date: Mar 4 2015 3:16 PM

a: eyeball ~
b: golf ball in a hole


"Try to keep in mind that the eyeball is like a golf ball in a hole.
the socket of the eye is a deep space into which is plunked a round thing. No matter what you think you see, there is always a round hole with a round thing in it."

Writer: djstar 12
Date: Mar 4 2015 3:19 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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