exclamation point
a: Exclamation point ~
b: profanity
What: "An exclamation point is like profanity: the more you use it, the less subtle its effect. Go now and exclaim no more. "
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 11 2013 5:05 PM
# 4003 Critique Analogy
a: Exclamation point ~
b: shouting
What: "Using an exclamation point is like shouting. If someone shouts all the time, they quickly become irritating, and you begin to tune them out. Overusing exclamation points can similarly irritate your reader and make your reader dismiss what you have to say."
Writer: Jeanne Cavelos
Date: Oct 11 2013 5:08 PM
# 4004 Critique Analogy
Boob Goes The Sentence
a: Exclamation point ~
b: firing a cannon
What: "An exclamation point is like firing a cannon to add emphasis. How many times, really, do you need to hear the explosion? I hardly use any exclamation points in my personal writing, or very sparingly. And never, ever more than one in a row."
Writer: Chaz DeSimone
Date: Oct 11 2013 5:09 PM
# 4005 Critique Analogy
a: Exclamation point ~
b: the horn in your car
What: "The exclamation point is like the horn in your car-use it only when you have to. A chorus of exclamation points says two things about your writing: First, you're not confident that what you're saying is important, so you need bells and whistles to get attention. Second, you don't know a really startling idea when you see one" (Woe Is I, p. 142).
Writer: Patricia T. O'Conner
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 11 2013 5:11 PM
# 4006 Critique Analogy
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.