european union
"he European Union is like a giant pension fund for defunct politicians, who either cannot get elected in their own countries or are tired of the struggle to do so"
"The European Union is like a hospital where all the doctors are mad. It doesn't matter what is wrong, the treatment is always the same - more integration - and it is always wrong. The best thing to do is never to enter it.
"The European Union is like a comprehensive school system. The smart kids prop up the thickos. Time for GB to get out"
The European Union is like the European trade union movement: when we take up a struggle jointly, then we are far more effective, powerful and impressive than when we act alone."
"The European Union is like an apartment building where everyone fights with their neighbors, except for when they all fight together against the one who watches over the entrance, in this case Greece,"
"If you imagine the European Union as a stack of Jenga blocks, the Brexit is like removing an outer block down near the bottom. On its own, it might not cause the tower to crumble, but it makes everything a lot more fragile. (The U.S., by the way, is another Jenga tower standing within toppling distance). It's akin to Texas seceding from the United States."

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