

Ethanol An Expensive Green Technology

a: Ethanol ~
b: most "Green" technologies"

What: "Ethanol is like most of the rest of the "Green" technologies - uneconomic except at times of high prices - and thus a horrific investment unless you are gifted at playing the hype."

Writer: farwest
Date: Aug 8 2011 12:41 AM

Ethanol is like an aging actor in a TV hit

a: ethanol ~
b: aging actor in a TV hit

What: "In some ways ethanol is like the aging actor who suddenly finds herself in a hit TV series with the press all abuzz as they proclaim her an "instant success." It only took thirty years of casting calls and bit parts to achieve "instant success.""

Writer: mc
Date: Nov 17 2011 11:28 PM

Ethanol Is Like Famine-for-profit

a: Ethanol ~
b: famine-for-profit

What: "Actually corn ethanol is like famine-for-profit. It causes global food prices to rise above the cost many poor families can afford. Thats the EU has banned US ethanol. Thats why when ethanol production rose in the US a couple years back people in other countries (including Haiti) were reduced to eating "mud cakes" (literally what they sound like).

Writer: polo
Date: Nov 16 2011 11:30 AM

ethanol is like deciding to never wear clothes

a: ethanol ~
b: deciding to never wear clothes

What: "I'm hard pressed to find anything that does not have some kind of benefit. Corn ethanol is like deciding to never wear clothes. The negatives overwhelm the benefits (whatever they might be)."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Nov 16 2011 11:38 AM

Ethanol Is Like Duke Basketball

a: Ethanol ~
b: Duke basketball

What: "Ethanol is like Duke basketball - it brings together all sorts of people in opposition. Its environmental downsides are large, it depends entirely on government subsidies, and it makes food more expensive." A discussion of the strange bed fellows that ethanol mandates have created.

Writer: Timothy P. Carney
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 16 2011 11:42 AM

Ethanol Is Like A Credit Default Swap

a: Ethanol ~
b: a credit default swap

What: "Ethanol is like a credit default swap in my mind - put out there as a viable product, with no thought about the aftermath - just gettting as much money out of it while the going's good. "

Writer: Carolynn
Date: Nov 16 2011 11:44 AM

Ethanol as draining lakes to build stuff

a: ethanol ~
b: draining freshwater lakes to build parks

What: "On the modern farm, it's more likely mechanized tillers, harvesters and the like, machines that require fuel to run. Then, there's fertilizer. Using petroleum products to grow crops for conversion to ethanol is like draining freshwater lakes and streams and building amusement parks."

Writer: S-I-N-S
Date: Nov 16 2011 11:48 AM

Bio Ethanol is like kissing a brick wall

a: Ethanol ~
b: kissing a brick wall

What: "Unfortunately the "ethanol scam" doesn't fit within the "save the environment" narrative. Pointing out all those inconvenient facts about ethanol is like kissing a brick wall. The wall doesn't care and you just get dirt in your mouth."

Writer: JoeC
Date: Nov 16 2011 11:52 AM

Ethanol is like the Methadone of oil

a: Ethanol ~
b: the Methadone of oil

What: "Ethanol is like the Methadone of oil. It is a short-term (decades) substitute that can help fight our foreign-oil addiction. I am very pleased we are finally getting to cost-effective cellulosic production. The idea of turning food into fuel just seems wrong."

Writer: mcnabney
Date: Nov 16 2011 11:53 AM

Fermented Gasohol

a: Ethanol fuel ~
b: going through your ass to get to your elbow

What: A comment on how inefficient bio based ethanol actually is. There is actually a loss of energy when producing ethanol by fermenting corn. This is 1 of the reasons why food prices have climbed so much in the last year or two.

Writer: Bread and Circus
Date: Feb 7 2012 9:20 PM

Ethanol subsidies

a: Ethanol subsidy ~
b: rail subsidy

What: "Ethanol subsidies are like rail subsidies - they distort market forces and cause more problems than they solve."

Writer: dirtboy
Date: Dec 13 2010 3:11 AM

Bio Ethanol As Laetrile For Cars

a: Bio ethanol fuel ~
b: laetrile for cars

What: "Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) gave a disoriented "Apollo project" speech about ethanol and "flex-fuels" at the Detroit Economic Club May 1. Proposing an Apollo Project for ethanol fuel, is like proposing an Apollo Project for laetrile as a cancer treatment; ethanol might as well be laetrile for cars."

Writer: Paul Gallagher
Date: Feb 7 2012 9:13 PM

Ethanol Subsidies

a: Ethanol subsidies ~
b: steroids driving industrial agriculture

What: " Ethanol subsidies are like steroids driving industrial agriculture, creating artificial energy and profits for a few on the backs of the many. Visit the Peoria Journal Star at for more information."

Writer: Nicholas E. Hollis
Date: Dec 13 2010 3:16 AM

Inefficent Extraction

a: Crop ethanol fuel ~
b: using natural gas to do tar sands extraction

What: "Converting crops to ethanol fuel is like using natural gas to extract heavy bitumen from tar sands - you are using up a "good" thing to produce a poor or mediocre substitute. The special interest groups are too interested in getting a chunk of cash for themselves to worry about the common good. We should always follow the carpenter's maxim of measuring twice before we cut once."

Writer: Woodwose
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 7 2012 9:15 PM

Corn Ethanol Is The Dumbest Kid In The Class

a: Using ethanol for fuel ~
b: electing the dumbest kid in school as class president

What: He starts by attacking the use of corn-based ethanol in the U.S., commenting, "That's the first law of Disney at work--wishing will make it so. Using ethanol for fuel is like electing the dumbest kid in school as class president."

Writer: Bill Reinert
Date: Aug 8 2011 12:29 AM

Ethanol Is Like The Filet Mignon Of Fuels..

a: Using ethanol for fuel ~
b: stretching your hamburger supplies with Filet Mignon

What: "As was said waaaay back in the 70's when ethanol first started to appear in motor fuels, "stretching your fuel supplies by using ethanol is like stretching your hamburger supplies with Filet Mignon.".........

Writer: Brett66
Date: Aug 8 2011 12:32 AM

Corn Ethanol 3 gallons gas=4 gallons EtOH

a: Corn Ethanol 3 gallons gas ~
b: 4 gallons EtOH

What: "Not to mention the overwhelming amount of water that it takes to produce. It has been said, the net effect of ethanol, is like using 3 gallons of gasoline to produce 4 gallons of ethanol. This is absolutely ridiculous and makes absolutely no sense!!"

Writer: Adam Wilkinson
Date: Aug 8 2011 12:26 AM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.