

a: GOP Establishment ~
b: Tolkein's Gollum


"Higgins contends that the establishment GOP, which worked this year to stamp out some of the more vocally extreme candidates in its ranks this year, is like Tolkein's Gollum, so captivated by a shiny object that it ends up destroying itself and those it loves"

Writer: Miranda Blue
Date: Dec 28 2015 10:27 AM

a: The establishment ~
b: the Borg


"Right, the minority has now become the majority. What's even more interesting though, is that when we were kids, we thought we were trying to subvert the establishment, but you can't do that, because once you become large enough, you become the establishment, you are no longer cool. It's a big mind-fuck. The establishment is like the Borg, it assimilates anything that is trying to be used to subvert it."

Writer: Michael Alig
Date: Dec 28 2015 12:01 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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