"But then the fella went on. Diet Coke drinkers are more hardcore. Sure they may not drink Diet Coke all the time, sometimes they have water. But as a group, 100% of them are regular drinkers. Be warned, watch out! When the craving hits, nothing else can satisfy the hunger! First, your tongue goes dry. Then the whole esophagus is like the Atacama Desert (for those of you who don't want to Wiki that, its the driest desert in the world)."
"You swallow by choice, but once the swallow begins, the digestion process becomes involuntary and moves along under the control of the nerves. The esophagus is like a stretchy pipe that's about 10 inches (or 25 centimeters) long. It moves food from the back of your throat to your stomach."
"The esophagus is like a long slippery water slide. Muscles within your esophagus squeeze the food down towards your stomach. Whether you are standing up, laying down, or hanging upside down, you can safely swallow a bite of food, because the muscles within your esophagus know that their job is to send food in only one direction... towards your stomach."
"Your esophagus is like an elevator. To go down,;st swallow. To go up, press the up button located at the back of your throat.pleatetf-jeansYellow sponges in your mouth release saliva. Chewing squishes the Juices out.This is the liver." The link has a humorous diagram about digestion.
"At rest, the esophagus is like a slender, flexible tube. As bulky foods move through, it stretches to expand around it as needed. Consider how a snake body expands around its prey when eating. Same thing! The upper portion of the esophagus is within the radiation field when the neck is being targeted. For this reason, it is important to swallow more bulky foods to ensure the regular "stretching" of this part of the esophagus. In this way, you are helping to discourage the fibrosis from taking a strong hold on the flexible muscular fibers of the esophagus."
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.