"Eosinophils are, like neutrophils, short-lived granulocytes."
" Eosinophils are like dump trucks filled with chemical weapons to defend the body, Dr. Putnam said. When called to the scene by, say, the presence of an unwelcome milk protein, the eosinophil dumps its load of chemicals, which break apart the milk protein but also can damage surrounding body tissues."
"In EGC, eosinophils are like lingering house-guests in that they continue to stay in the area and eventually cause problems long after the allergen is gone."
"The eosinophils are like the first line of defense of the blood. When they are stressed to their limits, the lymphocytes take over and rise."
"Eosinophils are like neutrophils in that they have the ability to generate toxic oxygen metabolites and kill a variety of microorganisms. "
"Eosinophils are like counterintelligence units of the body. They're not very numerous compared to the privates, but they fight against the subversive tactics of sneaky parasites and internal saboteurs trying to destroy your body in autoimmune disease."
"Eosinophils and neutrophils have similar morphology and are the same with regard to many lysosomal constituents. In their oxygen-dependent metabolism and mobility, eosinophils are like stimulated neutrophils; their capacity for phagocytosis is less."
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