endothermic reaction


The Rock And The Hill And The Hill And The Rock...

a: Endothermic reaction ~
b: pushing a rock up a hill

What: "An endothermic reaction is like pushing a rock up a hill. An exothermic reaction is like rolling a rock down a hill. A match is like giving a rock a shove. Either type of reation may require a start from a match"

Writer: lurflurf
Date: May 7 2013 11:10 AM

Energy Goes In; Then Comes Out......

a: Endothermic reaction ~
b: setting a mouse trap

What: "Endothermic reactions are like setting the mousetrap - in that it requires an outside source of energy to reset the trap, much like it takes heat energy to make chemicals come together in this reaction. Photosynthesis is much like this... the plant absorbs light energy instead of heat energy to react carbon dioxide and water to form higher levels of chemically reactive chemicals such as sugar and oxygen." exothermic reactions are the mouse trap being triggered, energy is released.....

Writer: Brian D. Beadle
Date: May 7 2013 11:23 AM

Green Venn Diagram

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