Like Hands, Feets Paws, Gloves And So On
a: Enantiomers ~
b: shoes
What: " Also called stereoisomers, enantiomers are like your shoes: they are mirror images of each other. No amount of rotation can make them the same. Many organic molecules exist in both forms, but only one form can be recognized and broken down by a cell."
Date: Aug 9 2013 3:45 PM
Cats Paw Analogy
a: Enantiomers ~
b: cat paws
What: "As the IPKat understands them, enantiomers are like a cat's left and right paws: molecules which are identical other than being mirror images of one another. And just like one's paws, left and right versions usually appear in equal quantities (in the laboratory at least) - a racemic mixture. To round off the analogy, nature sometimes endows one paw - or one enantiomer - with much more activity or effectiveness than the other (the IPKat can testify to this having received many a swat from Merpel's favoured left paw)."
Writer: IPKat
Date: Aug 9 2013 3:49 PM
Enantiomers Are Like Cars
a: Enantiomers ~
b: American versus European Cars
While many textbooks use the "hand" analogy for enantiomers, some students find it confusing. So think of enantiomers like American versus European cars, which are generally mirror images of one another. They have the same basic component parts (just like enantiomers have the same atoms), but they're arranged differently. The steering wheel in the US is on the left, while the steering wheel in the European cars is on the right, making them mirror images.
Date: Jun 12 2015 9:34 AM
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