

They Come And They Go

a: Emotion ~
b: student activism

What: "On the other hand, action based on the impulses of emotion is like student activism - one sees a flurry of activity for a period of time, and then it ends when one "moves on" in life with marriage, a career, and related concerns."

Writer: Faraz Rabbani
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 22 2012 11:40 PM

Peeling Tothe Core

a: Emotion ~
b: potato

What: "Emotion is like a potato; every morning when I peel the potatoc and when i get the potato without it layer it's white and also tasteful. Similarly, when we peel the emotion and experiences are gone than we understand the exact nature of emotion!!!!"

Writer: Manisha Anthasa
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 22 2012 11:43 PM

Don't Let It Burn Too Long

a: Emotion ~
b: nuclear material

What: "But as marvelous as it is, emotion is like nuclear material. If you don't fully understand it and learn to control it (particularly as emotion pertains to you in stressful situations), it will quickly flash out-of-control and explode into those unwanted meltdown experiences like panic, rage, and general indecision or poor decision-making."

Date: Apr 22 2012 11:45 PM

A Bouncing Ball That Goes No Where

a: Emotion ~
b: a ballof energy

What: "A trapped emotion is like a ball of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. It has negative, destructive vibrations that can inflict pain or malfunctions of bodily tissues. Trapped emotions can also cause depressive feelings, anxiety and emotional problems often referred as emotional baggage."

Writer: A La Carte Wellness
Date: Apr 22 2012 11:48 PM

I Hope It's Not Too Large

a: Emotion ~
b: the wave of an ocean

What: "Imagine that the emotion is like the wave of an ocean. It comes toward you, breaks, and recedes."

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 22 2012 11:50 PM

Give Them Some Juice

a: Emotion ~
b: unwelcome guest knocking at the door

What: "A negative emotion is like an unwelcome guest knocking on your door. You may not want to invite the emotion in but it just barges in and makes itself at home. Before you know it, the emotion's unpacked, and starts taking over the house - coloring your thoughts, shaping how you communicate, and undermining your best intentions." A discussion of how to deal with bad feelings.

Writer: http://wisdomheart.com/products/mantra_emotions
Date: Apr 22 2012 11:53 PM

Pick The Outside And Eat The Inside

a: Emotion ~
b: an artichoke

What: "Averill and Nunley suggest emotion is like an artichoke, you can pick the surface off it and reach their heart - a personal experience."

Writer: Averill and Nunley
Date: Apr 22 2012 11:57 PM

Put These Together

a: Emotion ~
b: weather ,both continuous and discrete

What: Continuous weather stuff: Temperature, humidity, wind, velocity, barometric pressure. These are measured. Discrete weather stuff: Storm, tornado, blizzard, hurricane, typhoon. These are classified. The linked document is a discussion of emotions. The file is rather large.

Writer: Rosalind W. Picard,
Date: Apr 23 2012 12:03 AM

Emotion As Art?

a: Emotion ~
b: any medium of art

What: "Emotion, although possessing great artistic potential is, instead, often expressed artlessly. In reality, emotion is like any medium of art. Emotion can be molded, shaped, colored and shaded to form a stunning example of fine art or it can be a derisory flop. "

Writer: michael.cornwall@eit
Date: Apr 23 2012 12:07 AM

I Hope It's Not A Toll Rode

a: Emotion ~
b: a highway to the brain

What: "Emotion is like the highway to the brain. Great stories are more like a movie than a presentation and just like a good movie, our stories are crafted to stimulate an emotional as well as a logical response within the audience. Your colleagues will find our stories engaging and effective because they activate the listener's imagination."

Writer: The Customer's Shoes
Date: Apr 23 2012 12:10 AM

It Don't Connect To Itself.......

a: Male emotion barometer ~
b: a lost robot with a short circuit

What: "Humzie is Gaffur's little princess. The grand heiress , the ideal daughter, the ideal lady and apple of everyone's eye. Yet, her heart longs for the love of a man whose emotional barometer is like a lost robot with a short circuit. She is his childhood friend , his confidante , his prank partner , his agony aunt , his reality check. Just like Asad is to Zoe."

Writer: MoronsKiMallika
Date: Jul 17 2013 5:29 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.