

a: Ellipsis ~
b: the Go-Gurt of English punctuation

What: "the ellipsis is like the Go-Gurt of English punctuation. You tear off the top, put the three little dots in wherever there's a pause or some missing words, and squeeze factory-delicious pink bacteri-goo into your face."

Writer: GrammatiCats!
Date: Oct 11 2013 4:53 PM

a: Ellipsis ~
b: studying black holes

What: "Studying ellipsis is like studying black holes: hard because we can't measure them directly, but only by their effects on surrounding material. By the same token, positing ellipsis (or black holes) can shed light on otherwise apparently anomalous behavior of their environments, and reveal properties of the system as a whole."

Writer: Jason Merchant
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 11 2013 4:57 PM

a: Ellipsis ~
b: salt

What: "The ellipsis is like salt, with careful use it can bring out hidden "flavor" or subtext in your writing, adding depth and other good stuff. ... And I think we all know what happens when you put too much salt into something."

Writer: Nox-id
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 11 2013 4:57 PM

a: Ellipsis ~
b: three moles on your face

What: This is a piece of a poem about words and stuff.

Writer: Carl McKever
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 11 2013 5:01 PM

Drama Punctuation

a: Ellipsis ~
b: a spotlight

What: "If the colon is like a spotlight, the ellipsis is like a drum roll, preparing the reader to expect something important and worth waiting for. Ellipses are used to signify a pause in one's speech, and readers will most likely imagine a dramatic pause when a series of dots is encountered."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 11 2013 5:02 PM

a: Ellipsis ~
b: an open window

What: "The ellipsis is like an open window through which she peers into the possible meanings and implications that are lying dormant in the text waiting to be activated by the imaginative and creative process that is reading."

Writer: Fitz, Ezra E.
Date: Oct 11 2013 5:03 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.