electromotive force
"Electromotive force is like gravitational force. Everyone are familiar with gravitational force where an object will just drop to the ground due to attraction of gravity. Electromotive force is similar to it where electrons are attracted to the positive terminal of the voltage source. Just imaging the positive terminal as our ground and electrons are our objects so when we drop the electrons, it will fall to the positive terminal. The motion of electrons then creates an electric current that moves in the opposite direction."
The page has some very clear diagrams.
"Volt is the unit of measurement for electromotive force.
Electromotive force is like water pressure."
One of the simplest ways to look at electricity is to compare it to water. Volts are like water pressure. Amps are like the amount of water passing a given point. Watts are kind of a combination of the two.
Watts measure electrical power. Power is the rate of energy flow per unit time.
To get the same number of watts, you can have a few amps and many volts, which is like a thin stream of water jetting out of a narrow hole at high pressure. Or, you can have many amps and a few volts, which is like a wide and deep river flowing slowly past under low pressure. In both cases, the same amount of energy is being transferred (the same volume of water is being transferred each second).

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