electromagnetic spectrum
"if we imagine the electromagnetic spectrum is like a piano that spans all types of radiation, visible light is essentially a single key about two-thirds of the way down the keyboard. (If you use a logarithmic scale, it is on the order of 2 percent of our measurable spectrum. For a linear scale it is much, much less.) The rest of the notes are grouped into different types of radiation that scientists use to help describe what the radiation does as its frequency increases or decreases."
A very nice discussion this is.
"A wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum is like a set of fingerprints. Scientists believe that by studying sections of the spectrum separately and in combination they can get a better idea of what makes the heavens tick."
A confusing link this is. Imagine the spectrum as a line of elephants. One one side are large elephants and as you move down the line, the elephants get gradually smaller. Sorta like the wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.
The 100m is fast but short like gamma rays, the 200m is like xrays, 400m like ultraviolet, 800m like visible light, 1500m like infrared, 5000m like microwaves and the 10,000 (or marathon if you like), is like radio waves, they travel the furthest and take the longest amount of time.

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