electric field


Same Units, Different Causes.....

a: Electric field ~
b: any other vector field

What: "The electric field is like any other vector field-it exerts a force based on a stimulus, and has units of force times inverse stimulus. In the case of an electric field the stimulus is charge, and thus the units are NC-1. In other words, the electric field is a measure of force per unit charge."

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 1 2013 3:04 PM

Down It Goes To The Bottom...

a: Electric field ~
b: ski slope

What: "Electric field is like the ski slope -Charge - a skier - The slope is there whether you ski down or not" Is voltage the slope in this analogy?

Writer: Regina Demina , Professor of Physics
Date: Aug 1 2013 3:14 PM

A Coconut With A High Potential....

a: Electric field ~
b: moving a coconut off the ground

What: "A gravitational analogy can be used to explain electric potential difference. Moving a positive charge against the direction of an electric field is like moving a coconut upwards within Earth's gravitational field. Both movements require work down by an external force. This work would in turn increase the potential energy of the object."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 1 2013 3:16 PM

On An Emotional Note.....

a: Electric field ~
b: the dimple 'invaginating' in a donut

What: "If you can imagine another person 'outside yourself' by making a picture (make an image) of the energy shape of what you perceive as their feelings inside of you - then your heart electrically turns inside out. Love in your heart's electric field is like the dimple 'invaginating' in a donut becoming a tornado turning inside out again and again - to suck in more donuts or fields. Would you turn yourself inside out for love? Your hearts energy field sucks in another harmonic every time it dimples and 'tornados' around turning inside out repeatedly"

Writer: DAN
Date: Aug 1 2013 3:23 PM

In A Solar Cell

a: Electric field ~
b: a magnetic field

What: "These paired particles create an electric field in the junction; the electric field is like a magnetic field where you have oppositely charged particles moving towards each other. When photons (light particles) from the sum hit the cell, the energy breaks up the paired particles. The freed electrons go into the n-type layer, while the holes go down into the p-type layer. Some electrons get knocked out hard enough and escape through the top layer into the metal conductor strips, this movement creates direct current which then moves through the wires into the inverter that transforms it into alternating current. "

Writer: Janice Hung
Date: Aug 1 2013 3:26 PM

One Causes The Other......

a: Electric field ~
b: the twist in the screw

What: "Minkowski's wrench is referring to a screw mechanism. It goes back to Maxwell's On Physical Lines of Force see page 53. In essence the electric field is like the twist in the screw, and the magnetic field is like the rotation that comes with it. So permittivity is telling you the "twistability" of space, and permeability is telling you how good it is at making things turn."

Writer: Farsight
Date: Aug 1 2013 3:29 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.