electric charge


It Pushes And Pulls......

a: Electric charge ~
b: like gravity for small molecules

What: "An electric charge is like gravity for small molecules - it is trying to attract other molecules. This is why we have so many different types of elements and metals in the world. Because each atom is attracting different atoms, creating a huge range of things. So why does it do this - i am not sure why , no one does, but by doing so we are able to have gold and silver, but more important carbon dioxide and oxygen, things that are important for living"

Writer: Hannah Brotherton
Date: Aug 1 2013 2:46 PM

Something Basic

a: Electric charge ~
b: a mass

What: "Electric charge is like a mass, which is a fundamental property of matter. It is primary physical quantity due to which the electrical and other related effects produce in the matter.There are two types of charges - positive & negative."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 1 2013 2:49 PM

Bricks In The Wall

a: Electric charge ~
b: brick wall

What: "Millikan's experiment showed that electrical charge is quantized, meaning that charge exists only in little "pieces" of definite size. The size of any electric charge is an integer multiple of this smallest possible "elementary charge." Consider the following analogy; an electric charge is like a brick wall - the smallest possible size for a wall is one brick, a single brick is like the elementary charge. Just as a wall can not exist that is smaller than one brick, an electric charge can not exist that is smaller than the "elementary charge." Any large brick wall is made up of an integer number of bricks, just as any large electric charge is made up of an integer number of elementary charges."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 1 2013 2:51 PM

In This Analogy....

a: Electric charge ~
b: water

What: Water flowing in a pipe is similar to electric current flowing in a circuit. ● The battery is like the pump. ● The electric charge is like the water. ● The connecting wires are like the thick pipe. ● The filament is like the nozzle or narrow pipe. ● The switch is like the valve.

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 1 2013 2:54 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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