effective nuclear charge


Somewhat Like This...

a: Effective nuclear charge ~
b: Compton Effect

What: "Effective nuclear charge is like Compton Effect. In Compton effect, photon loses energy and electron takes energy."

Writer: Hossein Javadi
Date: Aug 1 2013 2:21 PM

Dim It Will Be....

a: Effective nuclear charge ~
b: looking through a lampshade

What: "Effective nuclear charge is like looking at a lightbulb that is covered by a frosted-glass lamp shade. The lampshade "screens" our eyes from the full brightness of the lightbulb. As the bulb gets lighter, it becomes easier to see from the outside. However, another lampshade will be placed around the bulb when it gets brighter."

Writer: Dalton Rowell et al.
Date: Aug 1 2013 2:23 PM

In This Context....

a: Effective nuclear charge ~
b: gravity

What: "Effective Nuclear Charge is like gravity. It effects everything else in the chapter and much more. Such as:" See the whole discussion in the link.

Date: Aug 1 2013 2:25 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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