"Education is like the logging industry or the failing business in these examples. They failed to operate in a responsible way to produce desired results. Hence they invited regulation because they demonstrated they were incapable of self-regulating themselves to a set of acceptable standards."
"Teaching kids about sex education is like letting them loose in a candy store."
as stated in the page,
Basing an argument on simplistic comparison of two things, ideas, events, or situations."
"From experience and research it is clear that sex education has the potential to improve the sexual health of an individual, and so of community and of the nation. Sex education is like immunization. It can help to prevent physical, psychological, marital and social problems related to sexuality. "
"Our education system is like ancient Sparta. Not physically, but mentally," she said over coffee in a Beijing mall, where white marble sparkled under powerful lights. "Our children learn to calculate fast, play the piano, to do everything well. They have a lot of skills. But when they grow up they are lost, because no one ever asked them to think about what they want."
"As best I can understand it, being in the Education Establishment is like being a priest in a religion. You have to embrace church dogma, totally. But finally the tenets of a church come back to faith. Then we're talking about God, infinity and complex things that you can't check out personally. But the gizmos that our Education Establishment promotes are not of this rarefied variety. These bad ideas are in the classroom. You can see they are goofy and don't work. You can measure the bad results. "
jabbering by
big boobed
professional broad
white shirt
to my right
"We would call it the Bulimic method of studying. Binge all the material over hours and days of studying. Then puke it all up on the final and forget it forever."

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.