educated individual


a: Educated individual ~
b: a tiny pebble thrown into a sea of ignorance

What: "Those countries in the world making the greatest economic advances are those countries which provide the highest level of education to the lar- gest number of people. And for social purposes: An educated individual is like a tiny pebble thrown into a sea of ignorance; the ripple effect changes family, friends, nations, and eventually the world. Formal, institutionalized education is the most practical method to pass knowledge along in a highly complex society. "

Writer: Lethbridge Herald, The (Newspaper)
Date: Feb 20 2014 5:23 PM

a: educated individual ~
b: a spring, with its internal sources of water


"In an educated organization, learning becomes a renewable resource. An educated individual is like a spring, with its internal sources of water. As a spring replenishes itself when water is withdrawn, so educated individuals replenish their learning when existing knowledge has served its purpose."

Writer: Nido Qubein
Date: Feb 20 2014 5:25 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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