"Many economist are like lawyers in that they advocate for their clients without regard for considering downside risks."
Economist are like politicians. Follow them at own risk. A year they told us our house are worthless and we must get rid of them. Seems the ...
" Like the fetishist, the Western explorer and his inheritors-the anthropologist, the psychoanalyst, and the economist-are like the blind man who defines the elephant as a snake because all he has felt is the trunk. And while anthropologists at least recognize the fetish as a complex and multiple phenomenon, both psychoanalysis and Marxism not only reduce the notion of the fetish, but require the concept of reduction itself as a precondition of desire and objectification"
Your analysis in this firm would be shown the door. Under no circumstance -- ever -- are economist consulted in crafting strategy. It's a recipe for sure disaster. Economist are like weather men e.g. 50% correct 20% of the time...Joke.Take 100 economists and put them out in a field. Ask them to point to North. 99 economists point the wrong way in every direction imaginable -- except for North. One economist doesn't point at all. He then yells at the 99 "You're all wrong!"
"A lot of morons have received the nobel prize in economics. Economist are like historians. Looking backwards they can give you a great explanation of WTF just happened. The ability to write a neat math formula is cool, but it doesn't make you a prophet. I wouldn't rely on one to say anything useful about the future. There is a reason why they tend to be rich off of writing and speaking engagement, and not by using their l33t economic skills to shovel piles of money into their bank accounts off of their prescient predictions on the market."
"Economist are like fortune tellers it's not an exact science but there's a lot of thunder and lightning and noise to make you think they know what they're talking about...."
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.