economic history


a: economic history ~
b: pendulum


"It was at this time that Dondon and many others absorbed ideas like rational expectations and efficient markets, which became en vogue.

But economic history is like a pendulum.

By the late 1990s, in the aftermath of a series of crises, the ideology of the free market -- as expressed in the so-called Washington Consensus -- faltered and retreated."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 12 2019 3:02 PM

a: economic history ~
b: political history


"Economics is the study of wealth, so economic history is, like political history, the study of wealth in a given society. How is it produced? How is it distributed? How is wealth consumed? For instance, how does agriculture, or industry, or trade operate? "

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 12 2019 3:09 PM

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