dysfunctional family


a: Dysfunctional family ~
b: poker game

What: "A dysfunctional family is like a poker game in which each player holds certain cards, yet no one will put them on the table. As a result, the same old game keeps being played"

Writer: Ira D. Glick, Ellen M. Berman, John F. Clarkin
Date: Feb 26 2014 6:18 PM

a: Dysfunctional family ~
b: fertile training ground


"But soon my training kicked in and I realized that the dysfunctional family is like a fertile training ground nurturing the seed of all dysfunction--at home, in the workplace, or political and global. Our internal reality is the source of the distortion in the world. To make life work better, we must clean it up one heart at a time, starting with ourselves."

Writer: Jill Kramer
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 26 2014 6:20 PM

a: dysfunctional family ~
b: a Cold War scenario


"I wrote this posting in hopes that others who have suffered the same condition as this young writer without relief or release might also benefit from this simple exercise, and might also find their way clear to a new life, where they believe they have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, where they can finally face their enemies and dispel the shadows, and walk away, because a dysfunctional family is like a Cold War scenario: the only way to win is not to play."

Writer: kalixao
Date: Feb 26 2014 6:22 PM

a: dysfunctional family ~
b: dog poop in the yard


"If you go out into the yard, you're going to step in it And If you leave it there long enough it disappears into the grass But Then the grass smells."

Writer: talexa9550
Date: Feb 26 2014 6:18 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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