donald trump
"Donald Trump is the epitome of a "summer fling", the hot girl that you date for a while because she's naughty and fun but that you know deep down inside that you'll never take home to meet your parents."
He likens him to Silvio Berlusconi, the freewheeling media magnate who was elected prime minister of Italy four times but was ultimately convicted of tax fraud. Trump and Berlusconi, Zingales adds, “are both very good at talking to the stomach of the people.â€
"Trump is catnip to the networks, and they stuck with his rambling, incoherent infomercial. That's dangerous for his opponents. How do you ensure that your substantive case breaks through when you're running against the king of entertainment politics?"
The link is a pretty good discussion of the 2016 political campaign as of March, 2016.
"The proper comparison is Juan Peron. A charismatic man who never publicly committed strongly enough to any position or ideology, thus creating a very strange and contradicting (and at times explosive) coalition of left and right. He was a guy who had Jewish members of his cabinet while allowing German war criminals refuge in Argentina. It came down to both militant leftists and the far-right supporting him, because everybody had this sense that he was secretly nuestro hombre."
"Each appeared on the political scene as unlikely candidates for the leader of the free world, both appealed to voters who felt they were being ignored by an out-of-touch political leadership and each brought cheering crowds to their feet with fiery bombast."
The link is worth reading if you're interested in comparing these 2 guys.
"So do we have elite fratricide? When a Harvard and Princeton alum like Ted Cruz emerges as a wildly swinging wrecking ball for the entire global economy, you bet we do."
This was written about 2 years ago. Replace Cruz with Trump and you can see that this pattern in full swing.
"Hindenburg" Trump is playing with matches."
"I suddenly realized that that is Trump's style. He's not a tribal Highlander, celebrated in Scotland's long battle for independence from England, but a Viking, slashing, burning, and laughing at the carnage in his wake. "
"He's the Republican Obama in terms of online fundraising."
"He is the human Molotov cocktail that they've been waiting for, the human hand grenade that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them."
No! See the house rules.
....I hope he wrecks the bad stuff that doesn't work and not the good stuff that does. Time will tell.
"Trump's instinct that America needs to rebalance its trade relationship with Beijing - before China gets too big to compromise - is correct. And it took a human wrecking ball like Trump to get China's attention. But now that we have it, both countries need to recognize just how pivotal this moment is"
"The speculation, and that's all it is, is that Ross Perot made a deal with the Clinton camp in the 1992 Presidential election. The deal was run for President on your own money and split the Republican vote. Perot did this and The Clintons won. Perot got government contracts from of the agreement. Apply the same scenario to the Donald Trump in 2015. Trump has business interest in 2 heavily Democratic states, Illinois and New York. There has to be some way they can make it worth his while. "
"Okay, we get it. A garbage can is burning on the same day of the inauguration of a man whose campaign made a GIF file of a flaming dumpster one of the most widely shared images of 2016. The metaphor is right there for the taking!"

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