dna testing


Cheaper And Cheaper....

a: Dna testing ~
b: the cost of a VCR PC

What: "The cost of DNA testing is like the cost of the VCR, the cellphone, the PC, the CD player, and the DVD player. Expensive at first, but the price falls. "

Writer: Richard Monday
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 10 2013 10:57 AM

Looking Back In A Straight Line......

a: Dna testing ~
b: peep-hole into your ancestry

What: "Most useful DNA testing is like a peep-hole into your ancestry; your field of view is limited to the direct matrilineal and patrilineal branches of your pedigree.....While DNA Testing is ideal for disproving a suspected relationship, it can only suggest a relationship rather than absolutely prove kinship. DNA won't substitute for traditional research."

Writer: David Bradford
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 10 2013 10:59 AM

In The Context Of A Legal Trial

a: Dna testing ~
b: instant replay in sports

What: "DNA testing is like the instant replay in sports. In both cases, the strategy is basic: Whatever it takes to make the right decision."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Mar 10 2013 11:02 AM

Green Venn Diagram

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