dna replication


The Dna Is Like A Train Track...

a: Dna replication ~
b: a train track

What: "The DNA is like a train track that gets pulled apart by the train."

Writer: Dr. Barry Starr
Date: Sep 21 2011 9:01 PM

Telephone As Mutating Dna

a: Dna replication ~
b: telephone-game

What: "dna replication is like that game "telephone." one person starts by reciting a sentence to another person #2, in a whisper so no one else can hear. person #2 repeats the sentence to person #3, #3 to #4, and so on. when the final person is told the sentence, he/she says it out loud in order to compare with the original. (of course, all intermediate people get to hear what their sentence turned into.)" The concept alluded to here is mutation. Replication errors can occur and lead to mutations the way a sentence mutates during a game of telephone.

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 12 2012 11:44 AM

The Telomere Shield

a: Dna replication ~
b: a battle

What: "Telomeres are like shields and DNA replication is like a battle. Just think about it, what would happen if you were fighting in a battle without a shield? If there is an absence of telomeres, sections of DNA and sections of genes would be gone during replication. "

Writer: Emily Fu-Sum
Date: Feb 12 2012 11:49 AM

Leader And Lagging Strands.....

a: Dna replication lagging strand ~
b: driving down a street with a stop sign every 5 ft

What: "There are two types of strands DNA polymerase replicates. There are the leading strands and lagging strands. The leading strand is replicated smoothly, while the lagging strand is like driving down a street with a stop sign every five feet. The lagging strand must be replicated in small single strands, while DNA ligase combines the stand together." The article is a fairly clear and creative description of DNA replication.

Writer: Kelsey
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 9 2013 7:54 PM

a: Dna replication leading strand ~
b: zipper

What: "That leading strand is like a zipper, it is always replicating. The lagging strand is kind of like lego pieces being connected. Since The leading strand blocks part of the lagging strand, the lagging strand has less nucleotides than a leading strand, making it shorter."

Writer: carney
Date: May 9 2013 7:58 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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