diesel engine


Torque Torque And More Torque....

a: diesel engine ~
b: bicycle in its highest gear


"To give an example, a petrol engine is like operating a bicycle in its lowest gear where each push from your feet adds little energy to the system, but you still expend energy to move your legs back to the TDC position. A diesel engine is like operating that same bicycle in its highest gear, where each push imparts substantially more energy to the system than in the lower gear, but with the same effort being used to move your legs back to TDC."

Writer: Jeff Quitney
Date: Feb 19 2015 8:22 PM

a: Diesel engine ~
b: horse


"diesel use less fuel since it's turbo and diesel more fuel efficient, more torque means more power to pull...pull a caravan or boat.

petrol engine is like tiger - running fast less torque
diesel engine is like horse - not so fast but a lot of pulling power"

Writer: kingk0ng
Date: Feb 19 2015 8:24 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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