dew point
a: Dew point ~
b: squeezing the sponge
What: "What makes the water vapor held in the air turn into liquid or solid particles that can fall to Earth? The answer is that the air is naturally cooled. When air cools to the dew point, the air is saturated with water. Think about extracting water from a moist sponge. To release the water, you have to squeeze the sponge-that is, reduce its ability to hold water. In the atmosphere, chilling the air beyond the dew point is like squeezing the sponge-it reduces the air's ability to hold water, forcing some water vapor molecules to change state to form water droplets or ice crystals."
Writer: Alan H. Strahler
Date: Aug 5 2014 7:01 PM
# 5986 Critique Analogy
a: Dew point ~
b: opposite of relative humidity
"Another condition in the weather report is dew point. Dew point is like the opposite of relative
humidity. It is the temperature that it would need to be for the amount of water vapor in the air
to condense."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 5 2014 7:04 PM
# 5987 Critique Analogy
A Phase Transformation It Is....
a: Dew point ~
b: a match to a gas leak
What: "Air temps effect the birds movements, the Dew Points effects the birds vocabulary. If you have a low dew point in the morning with a slowly rising dew point, the birds will gobble on the roost and on the ground until the dew point reaches a certain level, then they shut up until it starts to fall. A slowly falling dew point is like a match to a gas leak, they will gobble all day long, no matter how many guys are in the woods. It effects the hens just the same, we may be set up on a flock one day and the hens on the roost are talking up a storm, they hit the ground and are talking periodically through out the day, but the next day we sneak in and set up on them again and we only hear one hen sound off a couple of soft yelps and then nothing, but yet 15 birds fly off the roost, what's going on?"A discussion of how weather affects turkey gobbles.
Writer: WillowRidgeCalls
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 5 2014 7:08 PM
# 5988 Critique Analogy

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