Denver As
a: Denver ~
b: a bigger version of Boise
What: "Denver is like a bigger version of Boise (and I loved Boise!). They are both cities on a valley where you could see the mountains from afar, have dry and cold weather, but do not have a lot greens (at least during winter)."
Writer: Arpee
Date: May 22 2012 6:29 PM
# 2280 Critique Analogy
On The Road In Denver
a: Denver ~
b: the meat of that literary sandwich
What: "While, sure, some of the action takes place on either coast, Denver is like the meat of that literary sandwich, providing the book with a prodigious amount of its soul, not to mention its hands-down best character: one Dean Moriarty, known in real life as Neal Cassady, Denver boy and Beat god." A discussion on how Denver is portrayed in "On The Road"
Writer: Jef Otte
Date: May 22 2012 6:34 PM
# 2281 Critique Analogy
Denver Fahshionistas
a: Denver ~
b: a wasteland of cargo shorts and gym-dwellers
What: "Denver is like a wasteland of cargo shorts and gym-dwellers. What's worse is that 98% of the loafers you'll see have a toe as wide and square as a brick." A discussion of what people wear.
Writer: themarkthomas
Date: May 22 2012 6:36 PM
# 2282 Critique Analogy
Denver Is Memphis
a: Denver ~
b: memphis
What: "denver is like memphis in that it is a huge city and
with a large population you get a melting pot."
Writer: jordan russell holt
Date: May 22 2012 6:41 PM
# 2283 Critique Analogy
Denver As Budeding La
a: Denver ~
b: a preteen version of LA
What: "A car is VERY important, Denver is like a preteen version of LA, whiny and boring, but everyone drives a car and back roads are incredibly useful as the highway is often filled with traffic (we drive crazy here). The only spot I can imagine not needing a car is downcity and I can't honestly imagine how someone could afford to live down there without being a childless millionaire couple."
Writer: VieposePelsbhh
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 22 2012 6:46 PM
# 2285 Critique Analogy
Denver As A Piece Of The Bible Belt
a: Denver ~
b: a satellite office of the Bible Belt
What: "The state is home to several large conservative Christian organizations, including Promise Keepers and Focus on the Family, and Tebow has already been invited to "every church in the Rockies," according to Gonzalez. "We've received an overwhelming response. Denver is like a satellite office of the Bible Belt, " he says."
Writer: Angel Gonzalez
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 22 2012 6:51 PM
# 2286 Critique Analogy

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