a: Dendrite ~
b: mailbox
What: "The dendrite is like a mailbox; it receives information in the form of chemicals released by the axon terminals of other neurons, often from many different sources."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 25 2013 2:12 PM
# 4251 Critique Analogy
a: Dendrite ~
b: analog computer
What: "dendrite is like an analog computer where graded events are occurring locally here and there, influencing each other as the branches converge. So we think of the dendrites as being the prime integrative structure,
most highly developed in the animal species with most complex behavior" This is from page page 56 of the linked pdf file. It is very large, so it make take a while to load.
Writer: Theodore Bullock
Date: Oct 25 2013 2:20 PM
# 4252 Critique Analogy
a: Dendrite ~
b: forest
What: "Nerve cells are the building blocks of the brain.Just like any other cell.
Then he says they are very different! Much more vulnerable. Axon continues to grow and grow. Dendrite is like a forest. Axons are really really long! The cells have to work really really hard to generate the protein to supply the protoplasmic structure. Nerve cells send signals, at about 100 miles per hour."
Writer: Gerald Fischbach
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 25 2013 2:24 PM
# 4253 Critique Analogy
a: Dendrite ~
b: person grabbing the bag of sand
What: "When a neuron wants to pass a message or stimulus, or bag of sand, it generates an enzyme that closes the gap between the foot of the neuron and the dendrite of the next neuron. The dendrite is like the hand of the person grabbing the bag of sand. Neurons have many dendrites while we only have two hands. The neuron that received the message generates an enzyme that dissolves the material that allowed the signal to jump between the neurons to begin with. That is its way of saying, I have got it"
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 25 2013 2:28 PM
# 4254 Critique Analogy
a: Dendrite ~
b: electrical cable
What: "Dendrites are some tens of microns in length. The branch out into a tree-like form around the cell body. The dendrites are like electrical cables which serve to conduct incoming signals to the cell."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 25 2013 2:30 PM
# 4255 Critique Analogy
a: Dendrite ~
b: a busy phone exchange
What: "Dendrites are like a busy phone exchange. A single neuron can have thousands of synapses talking to its dendrites. Some dendrites are able to separate the input from neighboring synapses with spines that act as morphological barriers of synaptic input by restricting calcium diffusion. Many neurons lack spines, however, thus causing speculation that these dendrites might lack synaptic specificity."
Writer: Nicole LeBrasseur
Date: Oct 25 2013 2:35 PM
# 4256 Critique Analogy
a: Dendrite ~
b: sprawling antennae
What: A."The dendrites are like the undersea telephone cables that connect
North America and Europe" or B.
"The dendrites are like sprawling antennae, receiving information from
a large number of external sources."
Writer: Prof. Dave Ragsdale
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 25 2013 2:39 PM
# 4257 Critique Analogy
The Tree Shaped Antennae
a: Dendrite ~
b: a tree antennae
What: This is a condensation of many of the associations for this part of a neuron. The dendrite is shaped like and tree and has the functionality of an antennae. That is all.
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 25 2013 2:42 PM
# 4258 Critique Analogy
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.