deductive reasoning


a: Deductive reasoning ~
b: funnel logic


"Logic is built on multiple modes of logic. Two of the most popular are inductive and deductive. Deductive reasoning is like "funnel" logic. A=B, B=C, so A=C. Although these arguments are not always true-sometimes the premises of an argument don't accurately reflect reality-a properly formed deductive argument is always logically sound."

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 9 2014 6:41 PM


a: Deductive reasoning ~
b: a sculptor removing material


"inductive reasoning is much like an artistic painter who combines various colors together to form a painting. Deductive reasoning is like a sculptor removing material until the
artist reveals what she wishes to portra."

Writer: Lieutenant Colonel John W. Ives
Date: May 9 2014 6:45 PM

a: Deductive reasoning ~
b: a laser beam


"Deductive reasoning is like a laser beam, it concentrates its power in a single point which is fully illuminated...but it leaves anything outside that point in the dark. Deductive reasoning is only applicable to a very narrow area outside of which is useless. There are aspects of reality that deductive reasoning cannot capture, namely, the events happening in the subatomic world of quantum mechanics."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 9 2014 6:48 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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