dark energy
A cosmological yin to yang or gravity and dark energy...the harmony of opposites or may the equilibrium of opposites... they needs some stoned albino-poet-physicists to contemplate this stuff or maybe some drunk physicists sitting in the August noon day sun for several weeks in Anza Borrago. The ideas may start to flow, maybe.
"Dark matter is like the "brake," acting to slow down the initial expansion, and it dominated the expansion rate for the first 8 billion years. Dark energy is like the "accelerator," acting to speed up the expansion, and as the dark matter has been diluted dark energy has come to dominate the expension rate for the past 5 billion years, and it will continue to do so in the future."
"Dark energy is like an anti-gravity force, but since energy and mass are equivalent, there has to be a lot of it in the universe."
"Uncovering the evidence for dark energy is like finding an elephant on top of a table impeccably set with the finest china and silver-adding the napkin rings no longer seem important."
It's shocking. How did the elephant get into the dinning room?
Or maybe the urine of god? Or maybe number 2?
"Dark matter is like the somber foundations of a building. It's necessary, and yet, you really don't notice it in daily life... unless there is an "earthquake", which could be a metaphor for a big bang or gravitational collapse; out-of-sight, out-of-mind and over the horizons. Dark energy is like the atmosphere around a building. Necessary, yet far removed from interacting with the luminous beings inside."

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