

a: Culture ~
b: an iceberg


"Culture is like an iceberg. Some aspects of it are prominent, like the tip of an iceberg, but the bulk of it-the values and beliefs that shape who we are-exists beneath the surface."

Writer: Kathleen Melville
Date: Sep 22 2015 11:47 AM

a: agriculture ~
b: car industry


"Agriculture has changed dramatically over the years, and it's become even more technologically advanced in the past 5 to 10 years alone. In fact, agriculture is like lot the car industry. One used to have to custom order power windows. Today power windows come standard on new vehicles just like most technology comes standard today on agricultural products."

Writer: John Latham
Date: Feb 25 2018 10:17 AM

a: agriculture ~
b: Disney World


Agriculture is a culture derived from the needs of the people who farm the land
Our definition focuses more on the holistic perspective of the culture of farming
Agriculture developed because of the needs of the people for food, and grew into a highly technological, industrialized process
Agriculture is like Disney World: it is a culture in and of itself, with many different components working together.
Agriculture is like learning to walk: it starts small and uncertain, but as it grows it becomes more highly developed and technological and continues to be perfected.

Agriculture is like a watch: you only see the finished product, but it is a long journey to assemble the parts.
Agriculture is like a toilet: you need shit.

Writer: Elizabeth Armstrong and Kaitlin Henderson
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 25 2018 10:21 AM

a: agriculture ~
b: ship without a rudder


"Agriculture is like a ship without a rudder," Sweger says, musing about how the industry isn't very speedy at changing directions. "You need-"

"A big storm," Magan says, jumping in with both his words and his boots. As he speaks, he stomps his feet into the muck and tosses the PVC pipe to his German shepherd again.

"Yeah, a big storm," Sweger agrees.

Writer: Craig Sweger
Date: Feb 25 2018 10:27 AM

a: Aquaculture ~
b: farming


"Aquaculture is like farming, but with fish. Instead of corn, wheat, oats and assorted vegetables, you grow bass, flounder, shrimp and other aquatic creatures. Growing our seafood in this way may become increasingly important in the future."

Writer: Skip Maloney
Date: Mar 4 2018 10:06 AM

a: Aquaculture ~
b: breeding battery chickens


"hat is the most climate friendly way of feeding the world? Is is agriculture or aquaculture. Wild fish feed roughly 10% of the world population. Aquaculture is like breeding battery chickens. It's not good for the chickens and the product is inferior to the real deal. One of the problems with fishing is giant subsidized trawlers that rape the ocean. Local fishing like that above is sustainable provided the fish are not poisoned with plastic."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Mar 4 2018 10:08 AM

a: Aquaculture ~
b: an iceberg


"Aquaculture is like an iceberg – only a fraction is visible. An increasing amount of the employment linked to the aquaculture industry is found in companies that supply services to the industry."

Writer: Audun Iversen
Date: Mar 4 2018 10:11 AM

a: Aquaculture ~
b: settled agriculture


"This falsifies the often used argument by agencies like the World Bank that promotion of aquaculture is like moving from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture in fisheries and will reduce the pressure on marine resources"

Writer: Joyce D'Silva, ‎Jacky Turner
Date: Mar 4 2018 10:13 AM

a: Culture experts ~
b: wide tie


"Fruit turns with time, though. Culture experts say cultural tolerance is like a wide tie. It goes in and out of style."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 3 2016 1:55 PM

a: culture industry ~
b: Goskonzert


"Citing my remarks, Neil says that I make the music industry sound like
Goskontzert. And so it looks as if I'll have to sweep away the last
scraps of disillusionment. The culture industry IS like Goskonzert, only worse. It's structure is hierarchical, and not dissimilar to the models of iconostatsis that the Politburo inherited from the Orthodox Church to impose its stature and codify its authority. Only the chips are different - money instead of favors - but the distribution of power
among a select few, most of whom know nothing about music and plenty
about business, is no different "

Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 31 2015 7:35 PM

a: culture industry ~
b: stratified class system


"The culture industry is like a highly magnified version of the stratified class system we function in at large - the very small top percentage take it all, everyone else gets fucked. The film industry is the one aspect that has been unionized for a long time, but if you're self-producing or not working for a big studio, there are major barriers there too."

Writer: jessica
Date: May 31 2015 7:40 PM

a: Culture of cheapness ~
b: exercise


"But it's more than that. A culture of cheapness keeps companies young in something like the way exercise keeps people young."

Writer: Paul Graham
Date: Feb 9 2016 4:36 PM

The culture of academia

a: The culture of academia ~
b: land rush:

What: "The culture of academia is like a land rush: professors poised around the edges of each new intellectual territory, waving flags emblazoned with theoretical frameworks, making frenzied dashes to stake claim on new topics, ready to shoot trespassers."

Writer: Unkown blogger
Date: Dec 31 2010 6:30 AM

Northern California Culture

a: Northern California Culture is becoming ~
b: the Culture portrayed in Ecotopia

What: This book portrays the succession of Northern California, Oregon and Washington into a single sovereign state based on sound ecological principles. Some of the key features are bicycle transportation, mag-lev trains and government of Lesbian Druids. I must say, that the book was enjoyable, but the political subtext in the novel should be abhorrent to any freethinking American. In short Callenbach is advocating lesbionic totalitarianism based on a protecting the natural world. This is not protecting other human beings, it means protecting nature itself, as if it were a citizen with rights. It doesn't say anything in the US Constitution about the natural world having Rights. If you look at the environmental movement in the past 30/40 years, that has been the driving premise. It a horrid conflation of natural based religion mixed with left wing progression politics. As this is written, there is a freakish sense of the feminine that has pervaded this area,The Bay Area, since I've lived here. Who knows how this will play out in the future.

Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Oct 22 2010 9:25 AM

Green Venn Diagram

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