Credit As A Power Tool
a: Credit ~
b: a power tool
What: "Remember: credit is like a power tool. Used wisely and carefully, it will help you do a lot. But when it's used incorrectly, it becomes dangerous and destructive."
Writer: Jacki
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 19 2011 5:15 PM
# 1580 Critique Analogy
Credit Is Like Having A Spare Tire
a: Credit ~
b: having a spare tire
What: "A line of credit is like having a spare tire - it's nice to know it's there. Use your line of credit for sudden expenses or to take advantage of opportunities."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 19 2011 5:19 PM
# 1582 Critique Analogy
Credit As Skil Saw
a: Credit ~
b: a Skil Saw
What: "And like a Skil Saw, it(credit) requires habitual close attention to keep the blade sharp and the cut going straight to avoid a "bind and kick back" resulting in - rather than lost fingers - a missed payment, a default, a foreclosure, a bankruptcy. All that power turned against you: Nightmare!!!"
Writer: Brandon Nelson
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 19 2011 5:23 PM
# 1583 Critique Analogy
Credit Is Like Red Wine
a: Credit ~
b: red wine
What: "Credit is like red wine. One glass a night can be healthy. A bottle every night, not so much. Credit used wisely and in moderation can actually make you more money and grow your business faster, no matter the economic conditions are."
Writer: Alex Wathen
Date: Dec 19 2011 5:27 PM
# 1584 Critique Analogy
The Ballon Became A Rock
a: Credit ~
b: economic helium
What: "Rising oil prices, the battered housing market and euro area turmoil have all sapped the economy's resiliency. But the biggest reason why growth has disappointed and likely will continue to is that credit has turned from economic helium into a millstone."
The link is a pointed IBD article describing the USA debt situation, both government and house hold. It's about 200% of GDP when both are combined.
Date: Apr 17 2012 6:50 PM
# 1868 Critique Analogy
Credit Card
a: Credit Card ~
b: Money Pit
A seemingly bottomless pit of money for which you only have to refill with a handful of money each month. The bank takes a slightly smaller handful for its fee each month. If you keep to the banks plan you then you will have to put back over 100 times what you took!
Writer: LifestylePlanner
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jun 27 2015 2:32 AM
# 7899 Critique Analogy
Credit Cards
a: A credit card ~
b: A gun
What: "Credit cards are an extension of money. They are safe and easy. BUT, they are money in a plastic form. Many people do not have the guts to use them as money, meaning, if you don't have the money, DON'T BUY. Cards are like guns. Many people have them and use them responsibly. Some people don't and they get all the press. I have not paid a credit card fee in years and find them quite comforting when I need them."
Writer: Ken
Date: Oct 9 2010 7:10 AM
# 611 Critique Analogy
Credit Card Debt Is Like That Proverbial Snowball
a: Credit card debt ~
b: that proverbial snowball
What: Credit card debt is like that proverbial snowball that keeps getting bigger and bigger and card issuers couldn't be happier. The credit card industry wants to see credit cards charged to the limit (or over the limit so the higher rates can take effect),
Writer: Gene Jolley-
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 23 2011 12:54 AM
# 873 Critique Analogy
Credit default swaps
a: Credit default swaps ~
b: Burning down a house you don't own
What: From article:
"See, in everyday life, you can't insure things you don't own. Thankfully, your neighbor can't take out homeowners insurance on your house. If the entire town could buy insurance on one house, they'd have a huge incentive to make sure it was destroyed. They'd burn it down, blow it up, bulldoze it, what have you, pocket gobs of insurance claims for their trouble, and happily move onto the next town. For good reason, laws prohibit this."
Writer: Morgan Housel
Date: Sep 6 2009 4:55 AM
# 59 Critique Analogy
Credit Rating Agencies
a: A credit rating agency ~
b: unknown
What: So pick your analogy. Are the ratings agencies like architects, or like a publishing company? Or perhaps something else? No doubt angry investors will keep looking for the one that will make them pay.
Writer: Andrew Ross Sorkin
Date: Feb 18 2010 6:31 AM
# 287 Critique Analogy
Non Sequtor Maximus Ii
a: Claiming credit for getting osama bin laden ~
b: Jacksonville Jaguars taking credit for the Green Bay winning the Supe
What: Yoo "claiming credit for getting Osama bin Laden is like the Jacksonville Jaguars taking credit for the Green Bay Packers winning the Super Bowl...."
Writer: Trish Ponder
Date: May 11 2011 2:27 AM
# 859 Critique Analogy
Yoous non sequitur maximus
a: Bush Administration taking credit for Bin Laden ~
b: The captain of the Titanic making the 1998 Oscars
What: "John Yoo taking credit on behalf of the Bush administration for Sunday's strike against Osama bin Laden is like Edward John Smith, the captain of the Titanic, taking credit for the of the 1998 Academy Awards."
Date: May 11 2011 1:48 AM
# 855 Critique Analogy
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.