cosmetic surgery


A Long Term Project

a: Cosmetic surgery ~
b: puppy

What: "Cosmetic surgery is like a puppy - it's not just for Christmas. It is a BIG decision with long lasting results. A good decision will bring great benefit. A bad or hasty decision may mean a lifetime of misery."

Writer: Debbie
Date: Oct 28 2013 8:15 PM

Cosmetic Drugs

a: Cosmetic surgery ~
b: gateway drug

What: "For some celebrities it seems that their first cosmetic surgery is like a gateway drug, leading to a myriad of procedures. Often-times celebrities such as Michael Jackson, Joan Rivers and Goldie Hawn no longer look like themselves, let alone human. If you consider that a face lift averages $6000, a nose job $4000, and a forehead lift $3000, the multiple procedures celebrities undergo aren't cheap - at least not to those of us who live in a place called reality."

Writer: Stephen Ullmer
Date: Oct 28 2013 8:18 PM

Covering Up The Rot?

a: Cosmetic surgery ~
b: treating gangrene with a band-aid

What: "Trying to treat poor self-esteem with cosmetic surgery is like trying to treat gangrene with a band-aid. The only way to truly heal is to cut out the rot."

Date: Oct 28 2013 8:20 PM

Who Are You?

a: Cosmetic surgery ~
b: false advertisement

What: "but cosmetic surgery is like false advertisement; you impregnate a hotty with a cute little nose and she produce and ugly baby with a huge nose"

Writer: Canadian Friend
Date: Oct 28 2013 8:22 PM

Contrast Is Important

a: Cosmetic surgery ~
b: painting the bathroom

What: "I think cosmetic surgery is like painting the bathroom. It just makes the rest of the house look worse. If I were to start getting things lifted, I'd have to do an entire body lift and can you imagine how painful that would be?"

Writer: marciamayo
Date: Oct 28 2013 8:27 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.