There Is Always More.....
a: Corrosion ~
b: finding a cockroach in the kitchen
What: "Finding salt corrosion is like finding a cockroach in the kitchen. You just know that there are (is) a whole bunch more."
Writer: Jayjay
Date: Dec 6 2012 11:58 AM
# 2530 Critique Analogy
On A Car Frame Or Body....
a: Corrosion ~
b: vehicular cancer
What: "Corrosion is like vehicular cancer; once it develops on a vehicle it can spread quickly, even when visible spots have been cut out and repaired."
Writer: pat loff
Date: Dec 6 2012 12:02 PM
# 2531 Critique Analogy
One Thing Leads To The Next.....
a: Corrosion ~
b: a chain
What: "Corrosion is like a chain.The entire process can be interfered with if a link is broken."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Dec 6 2012 12:08 PM
# 2532 Critique Analogy
And Aging Is Like Corrosion.....
a: Corrosion ~
b: aging
What: "Corrosion is like aging; it does its damage slowly and is easy to overlook-until major systems begin to fail. Unlike aging, we know how to stop corrosion in aircraft. It's cheap insurance against a slow destruction of your airframe."
Writer: Jeff Van West
Date: Dec 6 2012 12:10 PM
# 2533 Critique Analogy
Corrosion Kinda Like Gravity.....
a: Corrosion ~
b: gravity
What: "Now for steel pipes corrosion is like gravity, the forces in play usually favor that corrosion is a bona fide risks of concern that needs to be properly evaluated" Yes indeed, both are forces of nature that can be managed, but in the end, both will win.
Writer: kup12001
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 6 2012 12:14 PM
# 2534 Critique Analogy
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.