corpus callosum
"The Corpus Callosum is like the "Counselor" of the brain.... helping two opposites work together "
"With its 250 million nerve fibres the corpus callosum is like an Autobahn for neural data connecting the two hemispheres."
"The corpus callosum is like a bus structure that allows rapid and high-bandwidth exchange between the two processors "
"In your brain this is where a dense band of nerve fibers are located called the Corpus Callosum. The Corpus Callosum is like a brain bridge. It allows messages to travel back and forth between the right and the left sides. This helps the left and right sides of the brain to work together."
" The Corpus Callosum is like an information highway bridging the hemispheres. It delivers important sensory messages from each side of the body to the other side of the brain. The Corpus Callosum, like anything else in the brain, is developed through repetitive stimulation. It is the constant stimulation of both sides of our body and brain that actively develops the Corpus Callosum to become strong, healthy and fast."
"The corpus callosum is the part of the brain that let's the two hemispheres of the brain communicate with each other. If a normal corpus callosum is like a super highway of communication, Olam's is like country back roads that don't always go where you want them to."
A whole page that associates the parts of a brain with the parts of a foot ball game.
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.