"Continuing the sandbag wall example, consider conduction of heat. Conduction is like the direct laying of bags on the wall by workers. Heat capacity is like the endurance of each worker - a high-endurance worker can keep working"
All these idea explain through cooking. A very informative article.
"Conduction is like a "relay" of thermal energy, occurring when neighboring molecules elastically collide with each other"
"Listening with a conductive hearing loss is like listening to the television with the sound turned down too low or listening with your head under the bathwater!"
"Having a conductive hearing loss is like wearing earplugs: you only hear loud sounds. Most types of conductive hearing loss can be medically corrected."
"Action potential conduction without myelin is like walking down the sidewalk in small steps, heel-to-toe, using every inch of the sidewalk to creep along. Conduction with myelin, is like skipping down the sidewalk. In myelinated axons, action potentials skip from node to node and this is called salutatory conduction."
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