Turn on your shower with hot water. Let it run and create some steam in the bathroom. If you have glasses, prescription or sunglasses, put them on and walk into the steamy room. If it's cool out, there will be rapid condensation on the lenses. It it's warmer, the process will take longer, but it will occur.
There is always some moisture in the air, on our planet earth. At night, the sun goes down and everything cools. Often the ground cools faster and more than the air. Grass is close to the ground and has a very large surface area on which condensation can occur. So, as the air cools then the grass on the ground cools, the water dissolved in the air condenses on the the cool grass blades.
Kinda. They are both phase transformations. Condensation is the transformation of gassy water to liquid water. Freezing is the transformation of liquid water to solid water.
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