"A concussion is like a bruise on the brain"
"Concussion is like sugar and salt. Few people are aware of the amount they're receiving, and all three can be lethal."
"Although helmets are effective in protecting the skull from fractures, the force of the impact can still affect the brain inside the skull. Picture an egg. A concussion is like shaking an egg. As you shake an egg, the yolk (like the brain) moves around inside the shell. If you were to protect the egg by adding a helmet onto the shell, the addition of the helmet would not prevent the yolk from still moving around if you were to shake the egg,"
"A concussion is like an earthquake with a pressure wave spreading through your brain - it's shaken-baby syndrome,"
A change in sports culture is needed, maintains Dr. Ellemberg. "For some, a concussion is like a battle wound. It shows that they gave their all. Asking to be treated for it, or to be taken out of action long enough to recover, would be a sign of weakness. In my opinion, concussion research should also focus on that aspect."
"A concussion is like shaking a snow globe in your brain. What do you do to cure your brain from a concussive blizzard?Hear from a concussion expert about the care and cures you need to clear the concussion from your mind.It seems like we hear a lot about concussions in the news and in our communities, compared to years ago."

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