Color Is Like Number
a: Color ~
b: Number
What: Or it can be. The linked article is about using math and modern color instruments to quantitate the color in well known paintings. This is a very interesting process that more artist should tune into. As usual, the Japanese are ahead of the curve.
Writer: Mitsuo Kobayashi
Date: Aug 14 2011 3:15 PM
# 1099 Critique Analogy
Color is like sex
a: Color ~
b: sex
What: Color is like sex. It's mysterious. It's unknowable. It never looks the
same twice. No two people see the same thing. No two people feel the same
thing. I once went to China on a cruise ship. Eight hundred of us got off
the ship wearing white, because it feels festive and shippy and says "I'm on a cruise." In China white is the color of mourning. We
looked insane.
Writer: Stephen Drucker
Date: Aug 15 2011 10:22 AM
# 1100 Critique Analogy
Color For A Blind Person
a: Color ~
b: flavor
What: " imagine you're eating something. There's the texture, but then there's the flavor okay. That's why root beer doesn't taste like coke, the mouthfeel is the same, but the flavor is different." The discussion is finished in the reddit link.
Writer: DerpyGrooves
Date: Dec 7 2012 7:02 PM
# 2540 Critique Analogy
William Hemmerdinger's Use Of Color
a: Color use ~
b: the low, deep pitch of a primitive horn
What: "Hemmerdinger's private calligraphic marks act as a sign system by which one can traverse opaque regions. His use of color is like the low, deep pitch of a primitive horn, but, it is not inaccessible to the undistracted participant."
Writer: Timothy App
Date: Jul 18 2011 2:44 AM
# 911 Critique Analogy
Car Colar As Hair Like
a: Car color ~
b: Hair Color
What: "Car color is like hair color
Grey or silver means old..."
Writer: ZNFUL-Z06
Date: Oct 13 2012 8:45 PM
# 2392 Critique Analogy
Color Theory is like Music Theory;
a: Color Theory ~
b: Music Theory
What: Color Theory is like Music Theory; it's not so much a way to tell you what to do as it's a way of explaining what others have done before
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 16 2011 1:44 AM
# 870 Critique Analogy
a: color spectrum ~
b: bouncing rainbow
See the link if you want a simple clear video of how the human color spectrum looks, dynamically.
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jun 6 2016 12:02 PM
# 10040 Critique Analogy
Color Reproduction Is Like History
a: Color reproduction ~
b: history
What: "Color reproduction is like history - an interpretation of the memory of an event. Nothing is the thing except the thing." Or maybe like memory?
Writer: JuliaHensley
Date: Aug 15 2011 10:33 AM
# 1101 Critique Analogy
a: The color of energy ~
b: colored light
What: "Just as light radiates, so does energy. The color of energy is like colored light. We can now look at the buddha families described in traditional terms above in terms of how they manifest themselves in our experience of ourselves and those around us, capturing both our wisdom and our confusion."
Writer: Irini Rockwell
Date: Feb 11 2012 1:30 PM
# 1685 Critique Analogy
Color Is Good
a: Color in antifreeze ~
b: food coloring
What: "The color in antifreeze is like food coloring. It's added by the manufacturer as an identifier. Prestone has always used fluorescent yellow, Texaco and Shell have always used green. So it gives you a hint as to the identity of the coolant's manufacturer, but it doesn't tell you what type of coolant it is, and that's the more important question."
Writer: Ray M.
Date: Oct 1 2013 11:33 AM
# 3664 Critique Analogy
Konica Minolta Color Meters
a: Konica minolta color meters ~
b: A ruler for color
What: This color meter is a like a thermometer for color or maybe a ruler. It measures the coldness or hotness of a color. This is NOT a subjective experience, it involves a methodology that is consistent and reproducible and highly mathematical. Many artist don't like this idea. The idea of unity of color and number, of color and math. But they would be close-minded to cling to such an idea. The unity of color and number does not diminish the emotion experience of color. It unifies the abstract world of math and sensual ness. It REPRESENTS a unification of mind, not dismemberment. Or a color scale like weight........sometimes the color is heavy sometimes light....
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 16 2011 2:14 AM
# 871 Critique Analogy
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.