"Pure cognition is like the flying of a flying fish which is able to stay in the air for a little while but must return to the sea where it belongs naturally."
cognition is like a honeybee dance but instead of modeling flower location it models the "world" or. "alles, was der Fall ist"
The assumption that cognition is like a game of chess has been the driving force of research programs in cognitive science since the inception in the mid 1950s .
"Cognition is like an organism, which provided the right context, and incubating within a living process of struggle, comes to a fragile birth only in the most singular circumstances."
"Cognition is like computer software, changeable and reprogrammable "
"These senseless alerts are directly impairing our ability to think strategically, because they are insidiously fueling a well-studied phenomenon known as 'decision fatigue,'" Fitzsimmons says. "Decision fatigue is real and pervasive. The nutshell version is that cognition is like a muscle. Certain repetitive exercises, such as making choices, are costly and directly hurt our ability to make thoughtful, clear-headed decisions."
" My mom's cognition is like a moving ocean wave. Up and down, some waves better to ride than others, while then there are those swells that just make me want to call 911 to have the police take her to an insane asylum for a psych evaluation."
"Cognition is like a spider web of memory and when you remember one thing you often remember another and another."
"Metacognition is like a salad A reader- controlled strategy used before, during and after reading Knowledge and self regulation mix to facilitate reading comprehension (metacomprehension)"
"I think metacognition is like knowing you are missing something, but just don't know what. Surely, everyone that found this forum by themselves must have some metacognition in them."
"If normal neuron chatter is like "e-mail," then cognition without myelin is like using smoke signals. When the brain is injured, oligodendrocytes kick into gear to produce extra myelin that helps to repair the brain and restore regular neurotransmission."

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.