Climate Racisim
a: Climate change ~
b: racism
What: "Well, yeah, it is kinda like racism. Liberals are constantly yammering on about it, ascribing it to everything, but are still rather unsure of the concept, and are often the worst offenders."
Writer: Porter Good
Date: Nov 24 2012 10:34 AM
Slow Moo Mess?
a: Climate change ~
b: disaster in slow motion
What: "Global climate change is like a disaster in slow motion. It is as if our brains are not programmed to respond to a threat that could take decades to become real: a smoking gun without a bullet"
Writer: Steve Connor
Date: Nov 24 2012 10:30 AM
The Drugged Up Earth
a: Climate change ~
b: steroids in baseball
What: Hmmmmm. Storms are like home-runs, a single home-run may not indicate steroid use, like a single storm may not indicate climate change.
Writer: Chris Hayes
Date: Nov 24 2012 10:42 AM
The Climate Bear
a: Climate change ~
b: big crazy bear
What: "Let's say you are walking down a trail in the wilderness with your wife and kids, and you come upon a grizzly sow, standing on a carcass. She charges, flat out. You're in front of your family. What do you do? Just give up? Pretend it's not happening? Let her maul you and everything your care about? Of course you don't. You take action. That is how I see climate change."
Writer: Todd Tanner
Date: Nov 24 2012 10:52 AM
A Gem On An Association
a: Climate change ~
b: human being walking a dog
What: This is the best analogy. This process is like a person walking their dog. The human is the climate and the dog is the weather. If you watch someone with a dog, the person is typically walking straight and the dog is weaving back and forth. Of couse, this is more applicable to ANY form of data that's is looked at with statistics. See the video.
Writer: Heather Goldstone
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 24 2012 10:58 AM
Climate Change As High Cholesteral Diet
a: Climate change ~
b: debate over diet
What: "The reason I think is that, like the climate, the human body is vastly more complex than we are currently capable of containing in our data analysis etc. I think the climate is probably even more complex, and we will likely never be able to predict whether very accurately beyond a few weeks, and even that is a crap shoot at times."
Writer: simplelife
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 24 2012 11:02 AM
Climate Change As Big Rock......
a: Climate change ~
b: a giant asteroid
What: "Climate change is "like a giant asteroid that's on course to hit earth". And the longer we wait the more difficult and expensive it becomes."
Writer: James Hansen
Date: Nov 24 2012 11:06 AM
The Waiter Gets The Bill???
a: Climate change ~
b: passing the bill to someone else
What: "Climate change is like eating a slap-up meal then handing the bill to the world's poor"
Writer: Ricardo Navarro
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 24 2012 11:09 AM
Mucho Momentumo
a: Climate change ~
b: a train
What: "Climate change is like a train: it starts slowly, but it's awfully hard to stop once it gains a bit of momentum"
Writer: climatereality
Date: Nov 24 2012 11:11 AM
a: Climate Change ~
b: medical emergency
"We're the Lancet Commission on Public Health and Climate, a group of medical doctors, climate scientists, economists and energy experts that have recently released a major report on our policy options for reducing the health impacts of climate change. Formally titled Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health, this report not only details the many different ways global warming is a medical emergency, but more importantly it lays out some of our options for confronting this crisis."
Writer: Nate
Date: Jul 3 2015 11:52 AM