a: Cliche ~
b: a bad photocopy of a photocopy
What: "There is a difficult distinction between a cliche, a stereotype and an archetype. A cliche is like a bad photocopy of a photocopy. A stereotype is like an embarrassing piece of war propaganda from old days. But an archetype is different, it's like the bone of certain old stories. It's the way archetypes are portraited that makes them stereotype or cliche."
Writer: Patrick Rothfuss
Date: Sep 3 2014 2:56 PM
# 6199 Critique Analogy
Phrase With No Sparkle
a: A cliche ~
b: a movie star who plays the same role
What: "A cliche is like a movie star who plays nearly the same identical role in picture after picture. Just as Hugh Grant does "the Hugh Grant role" better than anybody else, a cliche is a cliche because it is the perfect way to say it (or show it), whatever "it" is."
Writer: Bill
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:12 PM
# 3963 Critique Analogy
a: A cliche ~
b: building a bridge with preschool blocks
What: "Even worse, arguing by cliche is like building a bridge with preschool blocks. If we only listen to what certain candidates say, and never analyze their deeds, our decision must necessarily be based on logic that can only be stacked one way and depends on one force only-the evil of the opposition.
Blocky argument shapes blockhead decisions. We may be in for a perfect storm."
Writer: Janie B. Cheaney
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:14 PM
# 3964 Critique Analogy
A Familiar Picture
a: A cliche ~
b: portraiture
What: "Cliche is like portraiture because it is like a face; we know its structure well: eyes, nose, mouth - always the same three, yet each feature combines with each feature in a different way each time, and each assemblage delivers an unexpected gestalt of the never before seen. So while I suspect most of us share this feeling that the world is filled with limited, identifiable face types, we still only admit to resemblances, not to verisimilitude."
Writer: Liz
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:17 PM
# 3965 Critique Analogy
Community Standards Apply
a: A cliche ~
b: pornography
What: "But what is a cliche? Is 'from time to time' a cliche, or is it just an expression? What about 'what's going on'? It is a cliche to call prostitution 'the world's oldest profession,' and the most famous cliche is a full sentence: 'It was a dark and stormy night.' What about 'rain or shine'? How short can a cliche be? ('Browbeaten'? 'Deadline'? 'FYI'?) Perhaps (to use a cliche) a cliche is like pornography: you know it when you see it."
Writer: ian mackenzie
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:17 PM
# 3966 Critique Analogy
Weedy Words Work Wrongly
a: A cliche ~
b: a weed
What: "Cliche is like a weed: no garden is free from it all the time"
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:19 PM
# 3967 Critique Analogy
Sweet Word Easy To Swallow
a: A cliche ~
b: spoonful of sugar
What: "More on cliches, norms, and narratives. Basically, these are all forms of the known. These are the rules. Rules work in many ways as well. Rules are safety - and rules are confinement. People want to cling to them and escape them all at the same time. Sometimes, a cliche is like spoonful of sugar. It acts as reassurance, as safety. This makes the medicine of breaking loose go down a little easier."
Writer: Maril Hazlett
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:23 PM
# 3968 Critique Analogy
a: A cliche ~
b: rice
What: "This cliche is like rice, it can be eaten with almost everything dal, meat, fish, salt, spice,curry,poultry, piggery,milk etc. Use it when you have been attacking a person through out the life. Aaloo Yadav used recently used it when one of his biggest bete noire expired. This is such a neutral and castrated version of death reaction that your supporters who will not be antagonized ( Because you praised your adversary in death) and the departed soul's followers will not be irked."
Writer: Arun Purohit
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:27 PM
# 3970 Critique Analogy
Feels Good But Smells Bad
a: A cliche ~
b: an old, worn shoe
What: "That cliche is like an old, worn shoe.
Comfy, sure, but a bit tattered around the edges. If you are going to go to a job interview, you might want to break out the new shoes, ya know? (Same goes for morals, avoid them "like the plague"! )"
Writer: NRBrown
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:30 PM
# 3971 Critique Analogy
But How Does She Smell?
a: A cliche ~
b: beautiful woman
What: "A cliche is like a beautiful woman who always wears the exact same clothes." There are many more in the link.
Writer: Vince
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:33 PM
# 3972 Critique Analogy
a: A cliche ~
b: a Bon Jovi song
What: "A cliche is like a Bon Jovi song. It's on everyone's lips because it strikes a chord, but its popularity becomes its own bane, leading to its demise. What we all forget, however, is that a cliche's previously soaring popularity was due to its powers of description."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:38 PM
# 3975 Critique Analogy
a: A cliche ~
b: vacant look on Mariah Carey's face
What: "I always love Miss Lohan's sophomoric musings on existential matters.
A cornucopia of platitudes,they are a veritable symposium on how to convey a message with no real meaning or substance.Every cliche is like the vacant look on Mariah Carey's face,the absolute zenith of shallowness"
Writer: Adam Smith
Date: Oct 11 2013 3:41 PM
# 3976 Critique Analogy

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