civic engagement


a: Civic engagement ~
b: pitching a pebble into the river


"Civic engagement is like pitching a pebble into the river. It has this ripple effect that allows you to make connections with the community. And by making those connections we can add solid value to our students and to the community."

Writer: Keith Edwards
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 29 2014 10:31 AM

a: civic engagement ~
b: noisy head of the hydra


"Individual civic engagement is like being one, noisy head of the hydra. As members of a larger, living system, we have no choice but to express our pleasure or discontent with what goes on around us through our words and actions. These words and actions will invariably conflict with those of others, but this conflict, these challenges, must happen in order to move the body forward."

Writer: Dr. Sarah Brackmann
Date: Oct 29 2014 10:28 AM

a: civic engagement ~
b: building the base of a pyramid


"Designing meetings as instruments of enhancing civic engagement is like building the base of a pyramid. There will be other programs higher up, such as a leadership program and a citizens' academy, but the base is where the foundational concepts, skills, and attitudes begin."

Writer: Barbara Spreng
Date: Oct 29 2014 10:33 AM

Green Venn Diagram

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