christian bible


a: Christian Bible ~
b: antiphonal choir


"Or, to shift the fig-
ure, the Christian Bible is like an antiphonal choir, in which both testaments stand vis-à-vis each other, joining in praise to the God who is creator and redeemer."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 28 2015 7:21 PM

a: Christian Bible ~
b: a drug store


"The Christian Bible is like a drug store, Mark Twain wrote. The stock remains the same, but the medical practice changes. Christians tend to be embarrassed by (or to deny entirely) the extent to which their religion has changed over the centuries, but they shouldn't be. In generation after generation, people have faced challenges unforeseen by their ancestors, and though they have often needed to discard the ideas and practices that had been handed down to them, they have been able to find in the Christian myths, symbols, and sacred texts the wherewithal they needed to construct a viable religion for their times "

Writer: Mark Twain
Date: Jul 28 2015 7:23 PM

a: Christian Bible ~
b: studying history


"Studying the Christian Bible is like studying history. It extends from the beginning of the universe and through the ancient ages described in Genesis. The birth, rise, and glory days of the Jewish people, all the way to the fall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah are detailed in other books of the Old Testament. "

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 28 2015 7:25 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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