

a: Chlorophyll ~
b: blood or blood transfussion

What: Well, NO it's NOT. This association is all over the web for some reason. Lots of people hawking this remedy or that remedy. In structure there is a homology between the molecular ring in both. But in chlorophyll there is a magnesium atom bound in the center of this ring. In hemoglobin there is an iron atom bound in the center of this ring. There functions are completely different. The chlorophyll pigment absorbs light energy and uses it to create high energy electrons for use in photosynthesis. The iron in the heme, which is part of hemoglobin, is an oxygen transport protein in mammals. There may be some nutritional value in eating plant extracts, but don't go too far with this analogy. It doesn't make sense.

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 24 2014 3:28 PM

a: chlorophyll ~
b: a solar cell


"capturing suns energy occurs mostly in leaves chlorophyll is a pigment that is in chloroplasts (organelle)
chlorophyll is like a solar cell
chlorophyll captures sun energy and uses it for stage two of photosynthesis"

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Apr 24 2014 3:34 PM

a: chlorophyll ~
b: Mr Spock blood


This I heard from somewhere. Maybe Spock of Star Trek Fame has plant goo running through his veins. This makes more sense that all the vendors hawking chlorophyll as some kind of blood transfusion.

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 24 2014 3:48 PM

a: chlorophyll ~
b: windmill


WTF you say? Yes. How can this association be? The point of similarity is that both things convert energy from one from to another. A windmill coverts wind energy into useful mechanical energy, usually to pump water from a well. A more modern application is converting wind energy into electrical energy for general consumption.

Chlorophyll does something similar. It coverts the energy of a photon, light energy into chemical energy that is used to create sugar during photosynthesis.

Both of these things act as intermediaries in their respective energy conversion systems.

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 24 2014 3:55 PM

A Light Sponge?

a: Chlorophyll b ~
b: a sponge


"Chlorophyll b is like a sponge, it takes light in and holds onto it, like a storage area. It is an accessory pigment. "

Writer: Mrs Perrone
Date: Dec 8 2014 6:34 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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