Chicago As College Town.....
a: Chicago ~
b: the college town everybody want to stay in
What: "Chicago is like the college town that everybody wants to stay in because it nurtures all the good things about grown up life, city life. Think of comedy, and the lingering allegiance of the greatest, smartest funnypeople of the last many years, starting with the Second City crowd (a big, rowdy, jostling crowd, at that). Think of journalism, science, educational philosophy, and my favorite kind of theater, corrupt politics. Who brought us that household word, "Blagojevich"? None other than Chicago."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 4 2012 8:48 PM
Chicago As Small City
a: Chicago ~
b: Hoboken
What: "Chicago is like Hoboken. Everyone there claims that it is better than New York, and "liveable" and "upscale" and all these great adjectives, but no one is listening, because they are in Hoboken."
Writer: nyc10022
Date: May 4 2012 7:42 PM
Politcally Speaking
a: Chicago ~
b: California
What: "Your points are all valid. But Chicago's dynamic economy and enjoyable city life (away from the South Side and parts of the West Side) have given the corrupt politicians/rulers and their fiscal insanity cover. No doubt, the city and the state are on the road to bankruptcy and oblivion. In that regard, Chicago is like California and, to a lesser degree, New York/New Jersey: on the surface, everything looks good, and it's easy to get suckered by the mirage that all is well. It's only when you look beyond the surface that you see that big trouble is on its way." This is a pithy comment about spending money by local governments.
Writer: TS
Date: May 4 2012 7:49 PM
Busty Blond
a: Chicago ~
b: Marilyn Monroe
What: "Chicago is an amazing city, especially in the summer time. we have a saying. "Chicago is like Marilyn Monroe. If you can't handle her at her worst, then you don't deserve me at my best."
Writer: C Andrew Scott
Date: May 4 2012 7:51 PM
Little Poland
a: Chicago ~
b: a tour of Poland
What: "A stroll along North Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago is like a tour of Poland, but you don't need a passport or visa in "Little Warsaw" because it has been transplanted on the north side of Chicago. The smell of Polish food is in the air, there's plenty of happy spirits, and several unique ethnic shops"
Writer: TravelStarz
Date: May 4 2012 7:53 PM
Chicago As Women
a: Chicago ~
b: Women
What: "It always has a way to give you a little bit of happiness...usually surrounded by freakish misery...For any kind of happiness...there comes a price..."
Writer: CMC Boss460
Date: May 4 2012 7:55 PM
Chicago Neighborhoods
a: Chicago ~
b: its own universe
What: "Each region of Chicago is like its own universe. Some are more urban, others with a hint of suburbia; some are ideal for those who enjoy; other perfect for book lovers. Chicago neighborhoods truly offer something for everyone."
Writer: Sheldon Salnick
Date: May 4 2012 7:56 PM
Cold Chicago Winters
a: Chicago ~
b: dysfunctional relationship
What: "Richard I understand your frustration, Chicago is like a disfunctional relationship. You love in the Summer but hate in the Winter."
Writer: RC
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 4 2012 8:00 PM
Chicago As Baltimore?
a: Chicago ~
b: a big Baltimore
What: "I guess Chicago is like a big Baltimore, and despite improvements, has a long way to go"
Writer: ElKarlo
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 4 2012 8:03 PM
The Lake Michigan Food Feast
a: Chicago ~
b: a glutton feast
What: "For those who just can't get enough of the city, Chicago is like a glutton's feast. Take your pick: world class restaurants, upscale shopping, or timeless rows of museums"
Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 4 2012 8:06 PM
I Still Tastes Good
a: Chicago deep dish pizza ~
b: sex with a corpse made of sand paper
See the diatribe in the link.
Writer: John Stewart
Date: Nov 16 2013 6:20 PM
a: Chicago college football ~
b: Articles of Confederation
"Chicago college football is like the United States government under the Articles of Confederation after the revolution and before the ratification at the constitutional convention in 1787. It's a loosely conjoined band of competing interests and factions with no strong central authority. And the passion for college football here seems less than it actually is because it's broken into four pieces."
Writer: Paul M. Banks
Date: Aug 1 2015 1:44 PM