chemical reaction


a: Chemical reaction ~
b: dance

What: "The hope is that one will be able to gain an insight into the molecular dance in chemical reaction by observing the molecular partners while they are on the stage, rather than in the wings before or after the dance is over. (This simile is a favourite one of Polanyi's, acknowledged at a gala performance of the National Ballet of Canada in 1987 at which Polanyi was invited, briefly, to observe the ballet from centre stage.)

Date: Oct 30 2013 7:53 PM

Need A Little Push.....

a: Chemical reaction ~
b: snow resting on the side of a mountain

What: "Every chemical reaction is like snow resting on the side of a mountain-- it can remain unchanged for years. Then all of a sudden, a tiny push or vibration can cause the whole amount to shift and rush down the mountainside. ... Chemical reactions are similar to that resting snow-- all they need is a little push to get them going."

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 30 2013 8:01 PM

a: Chemical reaction ~
b: a dance

What: "The chemical reaction is like a dance in which one couple exchanges partners with another. We make the exchange go faster by using novel catalysts."

Writer: Steven Nolan
Date: Oct 30 2013 8:02 PM

a: Chemical reaction ~
b: hike through the mountains

What: "A typical chemical reaction is like a hike through the mountains. You can't go directly from one side of the mountain to the other--you pass through a series of intermediary stages along the way."

Writer: Trish Barker
Date: Oct 30 2013 8:05 PM

a: chemical reaction ~
b: electron tug of wars


Sometimes one side gets the electrons, sometimes the other side gets the electrons and sometimes it's a truce and the two molecules share the electrons.

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 9 2016 12:42 PM

a: chemical reaction ~
b: baking cookies


"A chemical reaction is like making cookies; The reactants are like the butter, flour, sugar, eggs and chocolate chips. The products are like the cookies."

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 23 2016 12:19 PM

a: A chemical reaction ~
b: babysitting

What: "But looking after a chemical reaction is like babysitting: it's noisy, messy, smells bad, never does what it's supposed to and you go home with a headache. On the plus side, the labs all have networked computers so procrastination opportunities are endless (see this message)."

Writer: MisterBealy
Date: Oct 30 2013 7:59 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.