cellular respiration
"Cellular respiration is like breathing because when you exhale, carbon dioxide and water leave your body. When you inhale, oxygen enters your body."
"However he explained how the activation energy is like a hurdle and the glucose going through Cellular Respiration is like a hurdler; The hurdle is to high for the hurdler to jump at first, then the official (the enzyme) lowers the hurdle and the hurdler can make it. He used this analogy to show me how cellular respiration needs too much energy to start outside the body but once in the stomach the enzymes make it easier for the reaction to start."
Photosynthesis uses the light energy of the sun to turn C02 into glucose, a sugar. Cellular respiration is the process in which glucose is converted to C02.
"Cellular respiration is like a change machine: you're turning sugars into ATP so it will be a usable form of energy. If you go to a coin operated laundromat, they all seem to run on quarters for some reason. So you might say, "I don't have any quarters but I want to wash my clothes and I have a $10 bill." You put your $10 bill into the change machine and you get 40 quarters and now you could use the coin operated washers and dryers. All the chemical reactions in living things run off of these quarters (ATP). They don't run off $10 bills (sugars/fats/proteins)."
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